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New_Sun6390 t1_j1xiyk6 wrote

To those of you who think the government (state or federal) should own the power grid: Have you seen how the DOT maintains roads? How the IRS treats citizens? You want that for your utilities? I sure don't.


N0mad87 t1_j1xrcp2 wrote

It will be the same Maine linemen/women who maintain our lines now. Except with a consumer owned utility we can get them much better salaries/hire more workers and prioritize safety standards


mcot2222 t1_j1yipcn wrote

DOT does a great job in this State. A lot of the road issues in Maine are caused by lack of local level funding.


pinetreesgreen t1_j1xpxt9 wrote

It can't be worse than cmp. I've spent thousands in generators, replacing spoiled food and on gas trying to find an internet connect for my remote work in the past 5 years.


skrunkle t1_j1zw6yt wrote

> It can't be worse than cmp. I've spent thousands in generators, replacing spoiled food and on gas trying to find an internet connect for my remote work in the past 5 years.

Check out starlink if you haven't yet. I have been using it for close to two years now without any real issues. Fidium is threatening to roll into my area with fiber soon and I may switch because it's "A: cheaper" and "B: slightly lower latency". But overall I have been more than satisfied with my starlink experience, especially compared to the DSL alternative that never once improved over the 20 years that I had it as a service.


pinetreesgreen t1_j1zx0m9 wrote

Thanks! I have a friend who uses it and really likes it. I didn't even think how it might be useful in this situation.


megavikingman t1_j1yqr53 wrote

Yeah, we should just abandon all roads and shut the DOT down! Privatize everything! I can't wait to pay six tolls on my way to work each morning! Everyone loves that!

Hey, let's privatize fire departments! Then, they can jack up their rates as my house burns down instead of putting it out!

Fuck it, let's privatize the military too! Then we'll be "protected" by people who are willing to kill for money. That can't go wrong!

Privatization is fucking stupid. Private companies must make a profit. Public government agencies have to reinvest it.

It's really quite basic reason and math.


lucidlilacdream t1_j1yw8mv wrote

The DOT seems to actually do it’s job though. Plus, government jobs usually have better benefits. So, I don’t see how it would be bad?


egoodkowsky t1_j1xrtwl wrote

You're right the governments of Qatar and Norway are doing a much better job


egoodkowsky t1_j1xswi1 wrote

>You're right the governments of Qatar and Norway are doing a much better job

Oh, and I almost forgot the City of Calgary, Alberta, Canada


anonreddituser78 t1_j1z0dwe wrote

This is the way my ultra-right wing co-worker thinks. Bet the military spending is fine tho...😒


anode_cathode t1_j1zj9br wrote

Road construction and income tax preparation are largely captured by industry. And like a good little drone, they have you blaming the government instead of the private companies that actually run these systems.