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Tarankhoes t1_j0wqlx9 wrote

Weirdly specific memes are my favorite form of humor.


gamertag0311 t1_j0wtwhc wrote

C'mon guys, he wasn't specifically looking for strip clubs, just a place where the boys could let their hair down, maybe murder a hooker or two, burn down a locals house cuz they splashed slush on his Lexus, yuh know


spatzelface t1_j0wut0j wrote


who knows what that used to mean?

Seriously, just hire couple of strippers already.


BurningPage t1_j0wx7zs wrote

There is a strippy about an hour East of Sunday River— I don’t know what part of Maine y’all are in but that’s not considered terribly far around here.


Runnah5555 t1_j0wy9mz wrote

Maybe they could strip over zoom?


OmniMegaGiraffe t1_j0wz7k6 wrote

When I was a kid I heard tales of a place called La was never clear where that was. The only other strip joint I know of is Diamonds...and I wouldn't go there either


DidDunMegasploded t1_j0x837x wrote

"Why's everyone so hostile?!"

My guy, do you read the shit you post? Lmfao.


sm1ttysm1t t1_j0x9xrl wrote

Send him to the North Jay Ballet. Seems his speed.


GottaUseFakeNames t1_j0xbgg9 wrote

that guy was so funny. he clearly had a “every ski movie from the 80’s” idea in his head. Powder and babes, man!

poor guy is gonna end up skiing a sheet of ice for 2 days and hanging out in a hut tub with one annoying local chick and the 5 dudes she brought with her to party who are all going to over stay their welcome while his friends drink beers in the living room. but, party on.


oddesttable t1_j0xi2nx wrote

Anybody else feel bad for the fiance? I now wonder if they oked Maine because they knew there wasn't any strip clubs in the state.


leroydudley t1_j0xiqpl wrote

stratton hotel used to have girls come in from away to strip


Sbatio t1_j0xk56i wrote

This is my favorite r/Maine post of all time


Slmmnslmn t1_j0yfq9k wrote

I went to the topless doughnut shop once. Then someone burned it down.


Doc_coletti t1_j0yqmta wrote

Dude better be careful what he says about banjos


chiarascura88 t1_j0yso0q wrote

Is that “guy who just bought a boat?”

But in all seriousness, it’s a troll. There’s no way that guy is actually from away… he knew that peanut butter and fluff belong together.


MSCOTTGARAND t1_j0yt24c wrote

Just go to steppin' out in Jay for a quality strip club experience.


bugdude666 t1_j0zg2dh wrote

Anyone else remember the Zumba prostitute? Maybe she’s still available for this fine gentleman.


Ok_Olive9438 t1_j0zohm3 wrote

Wait until they find out that when its really cold, Maine strippers only bare themselves down to their long underwear.


MisterMan-Maine t1_j0ztyt7 wrote

I like how nobody mentions that the dude is a Masshole and that you can figure that out just from his post history


jlena429 t1_j0zwvzp wrote

That entire thread is gold and I'm laughing hysterically. You all made me so proud with that one. I bet you anything he is reevaluating his trip and thinks we are all a bunch of meanies now. Good stay away dude bro. This sub did maine right. Don't need more out of state assholes here.


Low-Head-1493 t1_j1148x4 wrote

Ha! Well, if you are using Reddit from the app on your phone it’s just there on the righthand side of “add a comment” and once you start typing it’s an option directly below the text. No clue what it’s like on a computer browser.