I need to get my eyes examined and would appreciate any feedback.
dahliarose926 t1_j1xm9mx wrote
Dr. Mark Varnum. I have been using him since I moved to Maine in 2010.
A-roguebanana t1_j1xocmo wrote
Will second Dr Varnum
Moonstonedbowie t1_j1xoooc wrote
Dr. Goldthwait at Goldthwait Vision Care is phenomenal. I have unusual chronic eye conditions and he genuinely cares and pays attention to what I have to say during our appointments.
jasonhitsthings t1_j1yavj6 wrote
Big fan of Mainely Eyes in the mall.
DrJudgyMcJudger t1_j1ycbd9 wrote
Virginia Gilmore at Hersey Eyecare in Hermon. Awesome provider.
lama_drama99 t1_j1z2pt8 wrote
I've used them since I was 5 years old (now 23) they are very nice and have always taken care of me
Yourbubblestink t1_j1zaw9b wrote
Except that the building looks like the Biosphere project from the 90s.
joeydokes OP t1_j1zies0 wrote
Thank you
joeydokes OP t1_j1zifpr wrote
Thank you
joeydokes OP t1_j1zigrv wrote
Thank you
joeydokes OP t1_j1zihor wrote
Thank you
joeydokes OP t1_j1ziiqt wrote
Thank you
SheSellsSeaShells967 t1_j1zjqeo wrote
Dr. Varnum. If you by chance don’t have insurance, he is the least expensive self-pay around.
JimBones31 t1_j1xk9gl wrote
Visioncare of Maine was pretty nice when I went a few years back.