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Kr00kTV t1_j088zi3 wrote

This post really pushed man's to -91 comment karma 💀💀


poteetjim OP t1_j0896pj wrote

Why? I honestly don’t understand all of the hostility here.


Lieutenant_Joe t1_j08a1f3 wrote

>complains that the internet used to be funny

>calls a random person an incel

“I just don’t understand why everyone’s so hostile around here”


poteetjim OP t1_j08aqnc wrote

I didn't call some rando an incel. Some dude made some nasty comment (which he has now deleted) to which I replied with a pointed comment. What would have been a more appropriate response? I'm new to reddit.


geneticswag t1_j08ef34 wrote

“Really Maine?” That comes off like an exacerbated Karen who’s over Maine’s antics. If you’re new here (to Reddit) you missed a ton of the legislative drama surrounding vanity plates and discussions around it. Your ambiguous and catty post put you on the wrong side of that drama.


poteetjim OP t1_j08es3t wrote

Ahhh got it. Reddit users are very fragile.


Asfastas33 t1_j09mv8o wrote

Says the person literally complaining about a license plate


Sh00tingStarGazer t1_j09ge5x wrote

You are NOT wrong. I swear that half the people on here only post to get a rise out of the posters.


smr5000 t1_j08j8qz wrote

Up until very recently, it was a source of pride to slide innuendo into the text of the license plate. It wasn't until very recently that Maine started reviewing these plates and cracking down on them, possibly because of people faking outrage for useless internet points

The fact you don't know that as evidenced by your title "Really, Maine?", as if you haven't even so much has seen any of the other billion karma-farming license plate posts leads us to believe either you're either a bit hypocritical (in that you separate yourself from the rest of Maine when you ask us why our plates are the way they are)


you're from away, and drawing attention to our plates comes off like you're trying to set yourself above the rest of us morally by not even allowing people the slightest bit of fun when dealing with the government for once

/r/Maine literally said back to you: "Yes, really, /u/poteetjim"


poteetjim OP t1_j08kv9m wrote

You people need to learn to laugh at yourselves!! I thought it was funny that the state of maine allowed it and you all crawl out of your mud huts, in your buffalo plaid, throwing your feces around like monkeys in a zoo.

Life is too short monkeys.


WizzoPQ t1_j08p5lo wrote

If one person is rude to you, they're an asshole. If everyone is rude to you, YOU are the asshole. Try some self-reflection dude


poteetjim OP t1_j08rfn8 wrote



Lieutenant_Joe t1_j0cz9so wrote

“My mommy never taught me how to take an L”


poteetjim OP t1_j0d1e90 wrote

You got that right lieutenant!! Although she would be disappointed that I engaged with Mainers. Sorry mom!! Miss you.


Kr00kTV t1_j0899u6 wrote

Me either man, I just clicked and saw -91 comment karma lol.