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BlaineThePainInMaine t1_j1o10lx wrote

If you're moving here for a job doesn't that determine what area you'll want to live in?

Or if it's a work from home job, what is making you choose between those three towns?


NordicPineAngel OP t1_j1o1kl0 wrote

Job is offering a choice of these three locations


BlaineThePainInMaine t1_j1o26pi wrote

It might be worth it to try and visit all three while you're here. Yes, Jackman is the most remote but I wouldn't exactly describe the other two as bustling hubs of activity either lol.

Coming to visit in the next couple of months while things are at their coldest/slowest would be your/your husband's best view of what life will be like.


hike_me t1_j1o2t9y wrote

At least Calais and Houlton have Walmarts and Hannafords.

Jackman has a tiny grocery store that smells funny. I stopped there on the way home from Canada and grabbed a pack of baby carrots to snack on. Drove a mile down the road and realized they were moldy.


BlaineThePainInMaine t1_j1o3e3x wrote

Goddamn. It's bad enough they'd be selling any foods with mold, but baby carrots in particular are so coated in chemicals those had to have been old af! Grody.


NordicPineAngel OP t1_j1o2qcw wrote

Thanks! Yeah for sure lol I know it isn’t like busting with activity, I don’t really care anyways bc I’m a loner. I like being away from people. So I don’t need much. I’ll definitely visit before relocating. Just wanted to see what you guys thought about these places or experiences with them