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hike_me t1_j1o4ju8 wrote

Lots of moose. No joke, one December a few years ago I was driving to Quebec City and was approaching Jackman at dusk — I saw at like 8 or 9 moose that night, which is an all time high for me. I went to Quebec a few weeks ago but got to the city before dark and didn’t see a single moose that time.

Might not be a bad spot if you like to snowmobile, ATV hunt, and fish— but you can easily do that in Calais and Houlton.


NordicPineAngel OP t1_j1o52tl wrote

That’s so stinkin cool. Moose will have and always have been my favorite animals. Love ‘em but fear them also bc I was almost charged as a kid by one when I was being dumb 😂


sspif t1_j1puiw6 wrote

Maine moose are docile critters, no need to fear them. This isn’t Alaska. Just give them a respectful amount of space as you should any wild animals.