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BlaineThePainInMaine t1_j1o10lx wrote

If you're moving here for a job doesn't that determine what area you'll want to live in?

Or if it's a work from home job, what is making you choose between those three towns?


zrocklimer t1_j1o19pc wrote

You need to come up for a long weekend and check out all 3. All are remote...this is a good time of year to come see them as it will be the "worst" time of year as far as weather goes. Not sure your going to find that "small town" community in any of those locations...


BlaineThePainInMaine t1_j1o26pi wrote

It might be worth it to try and visit all three while you're here. Yes, Jackman is the most remote but I wouldn't exactly describe the other two as bustling hubs of activity either lol.

Coming to visit in the next couple of months while things are at their coldest/slowest would be your/your husband's best view of what life will be like.


NordicPineAngel OP t1_j1o2qcw wrote

Thanks! Yeah for sure lol I know it isn’t like busting with activity, I don’t really care anyways bc I’m a loner. I like being away from people. So I don’t need much. I’ll definitely visit before relocating. Just wanted to see what you guys thought about these places or experiences with them


hike_me t1_j1o2t9y wrote

At least Calais and Houlton have Walmarts and Hannafords.

Jackman has a tiny grocery store that smells funny. I stopped there on the way home from Canada and grabbed a pack of baby carrots to snack on. Drove a mile down the road and realized they were moldy.


hike_me t1_j1o3m7c wrote

All three are remote but Jackman is a whole other level. Very small town, not near anything. It’s even a few miles from the border — and there is nothing on the Canadian side of the border either. Calais is an actual border town with a larger Canadian town just across the river. Houlton is pretty remote but has a population of around 6000 compared to Jackman’s population of less than 1000, so it has more amenities. By far the biggest plus for Jackman is it’s the closest to Quebec City, which is great.


NordicPineAngel OP t1_j1o3xxz wrote

That’s what what I figured about jackman. The only video I found about it was a moose attacking some snow mobilers and the one stores commercial lol I think that might be too intense of a shift off the bat. Appreciate the input!


EmilyA874 t1_j1o3ywu wrote

With a kid, of those three I’d pick Houlton. On a good day Bangor isn’t too far a drive by highway if you need more than what a basic Hannaford provides or need more than basic medical care. We lived in Vanceboro for a few years so we frequented both Houlton and Calais, far preferred Houlton.


hike_me t1_j1o4ju8 wrote

Lots of moose. No joke, one December a few years ago I was driving to Quebec City and was approaching Jackman at dusk — I saw at like 8 or 9 moose that night, which is an all time high for me. I went to Quebec a few weeks ago but got to the city before dark and didn’t see a single moose that time.

Might not be a bad spot if you like to snowmobile, ATV hunt, and fish— but you can easily do that in Calais and Houlton.


moxie-maniac t1_j1o5a4s wrote

I recall talking to an elderly lady who had moved away from Houlton in her 20s. What made you leave Houlton? Nothing there but goddamn potatoes, she explained.

So I’d suggest Calais.

PS: people in Maine often use salty language.


gamertag0311 t1_j1o60oh wrote

Jackman is the most remote and "Maine". Houlton and Calais are small towns/ county seats (sorta) struggling to survive but they have both seen a bit of invigoration during covid. The best thing about both towns probably is they're 1.5 hours from bangor. The lack of healthcare, amenities you might be used to like gyms.

I take it your husband/ you are CBP?


avidreider t1_j1o69mu wrote

I have have family in Calais, and live near Houlton, let me say I wish I lived in Calais more.

Maybe it’s just the places I have been to, but Houlton seems more methy than Calais.


zrocklimer t1_j1o9x5t wrote

What do you guys do for work? Western Maine is nice, Bethel, Farmington, over to Augusta and south if you want inland. Camden and south if you want the coast. Anything much further going to be pretty limited interms of nice towns (jobs) and access to the highway.


NordicPineAngel OP t1_j1ocmc5 wrote

Good to know, yeah, potentially border patrol not sold on it yet, since the locations are not the most “ideal” locations but I’m up for the challenge. Healthcare is certainly something I worry about. I currently live in an area with awful health care so…good to know thank you


BeatNick5384 t1_j1odbee wrote

Calais area has some pretty serious issues with substance abuse. Aroostook County has a growing problem with it but on the whole Aroostook County is a great place to live. Calais is close to the ocean, while Houlton is about two and a half hours from it. Do you like outdoor activities? The County is fantastic if you love the outdoors.


NordicPineAngel OP t1_j1odknw wrote

Yeah I figured there was, northern NH has a similar issue with it. I do like the outdoors and enjoy it a lot but I’m rusty since the outdoors in Texas isn’t enjoyable due to the 100+ heat and humidity 😂


MonsterByDay t1_j1og17u wrote

Of the 3, I’d pick Houlton. It’s just a few hours on the interstate to Bangor, houses are affordable, and it’s - in my opinion - just nicer than Calais.


BeatNick5384 t1_j1ohaah wrote

I recently just moved back to the county after about 14 years away. Any questions you have about Aroostook feel free to give me a DM. I work for an agency up here that can connect to a lot of services. If you're extroverted it's not hard to find friends, but it's important to have them up here where things are so isolated. Winters feel crazy long without anyone to talk to. Also if you have a long driveway at all, a snowblower and some windproof cold weather clothing is pretty fantastic. If you're new to winter driving, keep in mind that it doesn't matter how well your car can go in the snow, it matters how well it can stop. Also driving is different at night here. Moose are often too tall to get the eye glint, and they're crazy fast while crossing the road. You really need to keep yourself observant if you can. I'd suggest taking a look into living in Presque Isle if you can. It's a 45 minute commute to Houlton, but there's a few more services and just generally more people.


Sir_Drinks_Alot22 t1_j1p0n8o wrote

I dunno man I legit felt bad for a BP agent up there. When I was crossing they searched our car and when he saw my boots in the car and recognized they are mainly used by ppl in public service guy loosened up a bit and we chatted it up and I was interested in going into BP at the time. Guy seemed legitimately lonely and didn’t like being up there I could feel his disdain lol. I mean you have a family so it might not be bad but realllllly think about it. Not sure what your experience is with remote but some towns in the area don’t even have names just numbers haha. Especially if your use to city life, but hey even if you are it might be a nice change for awhile eh? I know I couldn’t do it I’m a fan of night life.


exhaustedforever t1_j1pk9gz wrote

Houlton. Those other towns are hella rural. I’ve got fam all through that area. More stuff to do and a Mardens.

My husband is also a Texan. I met him while traveling for work. Ended up here. He says there isn’t a place he would rather live and die in (well—we’ve talked VT before).

Best of luck.


VegUltraGirl t1_j1pq1uk wrote

All three are very remote, Jackman definitely most. If I had to live that far away, I would pick Calais, the coast line over there is gorgeous!


xach t1_j1prx2m wrote

Houlton is the best because it has two Chinese restaurants (Tang's is better), an ok BBQ restaurant, a real shoe store, multiple junk shops, and it's closer to Bangor.


LobsterMan101 t1_j1pygni wrote

Don’t move to whitefield, Jefferson, Dresden, waldoboro, pittston, Augusta, Litchfield, and any very rural town unless you want to limit job opportunities or have to drive through poorly plowed streets in the winter, or here crazy people Shooting off canons. Stay in the town centers or cities if possible if you’re young and want more opportunities. Even if you want to be away from city life, there are more rural options outside cities like Portland that are better than going in the countryside.


Weird-Tomorrow-9829 t1_j1q7zx2 wrote

Calais is closer to the ocean but it’s not huge and if the city ever draws your fancy, the drive to even Bangor is a trek. Some stores on both sides of the border. Even a movie theatre. Coastal also means less snow. Which is either an advantage or detriment depending on your fancy.

I’m originally from Washington county, and love it, but it does have some issues. As others have mentioned opiates are the ugly one. Unfortunately that has resulted in a corresponding jump in the homicide rate which I don’t think anyone else has mentioned.