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Lostnumber07 t1_j50x09r wrote

Your post history looks like everyone you know is in trouble or medically getting jacked over.


Standsaboxer t1_j50zlqi wrote

OP also accused the mods of working for Northern Light Health.

There seems some truth--I watched the TikTok video and it does show a letter verifying that OP's "friend" had some people access PHI in less-than-legitimate circumstances. That being said I have some experience in this area and almost always its the patient oversharing their own information to people they shouldn't trust.

I also don't know what sort of "justice" OP wants here. It seems like all offending parties no longer work for Northern Light.


Jakelshark t1_j5163lh wrote

To sue for emotional distress allegedly caused by HIPPA violations? That's the best I got... But I'm not sure how liable they would be.


Standsaboxer t1_j517t4b wrote

You actually can't sue for HIPAA breaches. HIPAA states that you have to file a complaint with the HHS Office of Civil Rights and they access if a HIPAA breach occurred and they will fine the health care entity if they determine it happened.

The person with the TikTok said she has been to several lawyers and they have all turned her down.


Jakelshark t1_j51j56o wrote

I'm sure that's true. I just meant suing in civil court in general for emotional damages stemming from HIPAA violations which enabled a stalker. It's not suing for the breaches, it's suing for the damage caused by the breach. But also it seems like an uphill legal fight when the hospital seems to have dismissed all the violators. (And that's assuming the stalker has a police record, restraining orders, etc)


SnooDucks3584 OP t1_j517iov wrote

Two of the four were let go as far as we’ve been notified but you need to understand this is ongoing since 2021 and they JUST got fired


Standsaboxer t1_j5185df wrote

Do you want the other two fired?


SnooDucks3584 OP t1_j518goo wrote

Of course it’s disgusting they haven’t been yet


Standsaboxer t1_j519159 wrote

Are those the two that aren't outwardly connected to your "friend's" ex?