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DivineAuroraKiss t1_j512gl7 wrote

Your friend needs to ask for a record of their file. They may have filled out a release form at one point giving their said boyfriend (now ex boyfriend) access to their records and never asked for the ex to be remove.


fridaycat t1_j517dm5 wrote

Exactly. I can't imagine 4 different employees violating HIPAA.


[deleted] t1_j51ckjt wrote

You’d be surprised how often it is violated in workplaces. Daily, several times.


Delicious_Rabbit4425 t1_j51kx6a wrote

This is so true. I work IT for a company that deals with HIPAA-protected information and the number of people casually discussing client information where people that have no business knowing can hear is absurd. The funny part is that those same people are the ones that complain that IT is invading their privacy (on company-owned devices)...


[deleted] t1_j51o2jx wrote



[deleted] t1_j51owpt wrote

You’re right, this particular scenario sure sounds like a willful and egregious violation which does separate it from the careless violations that are pretty frequent.


ThrillHouseofMirth t1_j52fl31 wrote

Because HIPAA is impossible to follow.


FolsomPrisonHues t1_j52l2hi wrote

Please tell me you're being sarcastic


ThrillHouseofMirth t1_j538tzt wrote

I'm not, HIPAA is terrible policy and has been for a while. You're free to continue to cry about it and join the bandwagon on trying to get random people fired.


FolsomPrisonHues t1_j55obbk wrote

Someone's got a chip on their shoulder. I work with CPNI and PII on a daily basis. It's not hard to keep private information private. Are you the subject of the post?


Coffee-FlavoredSweat t1_j522tiy wrote

Seems like 4 different people actually did that. At least 2 of them have been fired according to her Facebook posts, and she’s gunning for the others.


runner64 t1_j530j4y wrote

When I was in Acadia, the doctor went home for the night and there was no one to sign my release when my 16 hour hold was up. Three employees stood next to each other and lied to me saying that Maine had no rules about how long a patient could be held involuntarily. None of them would commit it to writing or even initial something I wrote indicating that I was understanding them correctly.
So yeah. Northern light employees will not only knowingly break the law but they will also happily lie to your face about it.


RNprn t1_j53ehzm wrote

IME, NL is strict about staff adhering to HIPAA laws.


runner64 t1_j52zjh6 wrote

I asked for a record of my file for two years before finally hiring a lawyer who had to literally subpoena them before they’d give me a copy which, ohbytheway, was missing relevant information and documents.


Standsaboxer t1_j51yag5 wrote

I've worked a bit in this space and while OP's friend has some evidence her data was accessed inappropriately, I've found that in most cases the person thinking their record was leaked actually just told people they should not have trusted about their health and that just got through the rumor mill.


ThrillHouseofMirth t1_j52gajd wrote

OP is just another person that thinks that if they're suffering for any reason somebody somewhere should get fired. Pretty typical way for people to think.
