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[deleted] t1_j4gf00v wrote

Yup, typical war state citizen response.

Our own people don't have healthcare and sleep on the street .... but fuck them, let's send all our money overseas to police the world!!!

Though, of course, the money actually goes to all our weapons manufacturers because of massive corruption.

No doubt in 10 or 20 years when you figure out what is really happening over there, it will be treated in the same way as when Americans found out the TRILLIONS spent after 9/11 was based on lies an absolutely no justified reason.....with a shrug and a yawn.


mymaineaccount46 t1_j4gfadr wrote

Russians getting himarsed for being in Ukraine will not be greeted with a shrug and a yawn from me in 10 years. I'll still be cheering.


[deleted] t1_j4gfl92 wrote

>I'll still be cheering.

Of course you will. A lot of Americans still cheer for what we did in Iraq too.

Stupid Population + Propaganda = Cheering crowds

It's a pretty basic formula empires have executed on for much of human history.


mymaineaccount46 t1_j4gfvk3 wrote

Why carry water for Russia? They invaded their neighbor unprovoked in a war of conquest. The world has united against them and condemned their baseless aggression.

Without crying "what about" why are you carrying water for them?


[deleted] t1_j4ghvkq wrote

We have a massive homeless population.... we have crumbling infrastructure.... our own people go hungry.... and our own people don't have healthcare....

ALL problems that we could EASILY fix with the money we JUST SHOVELED at a random foreign country we have nothing to do with (well, officially at least).

This is why America will continue a downward spiral. Why our society more and more looks like North Korea our own people starve yet we keep shoveling all our money into military.... because dumb fucking idiots keep cheering for it.

Who cares about all our domestic problems from lack of funding if it means sticking it in the eye of Russia? Am I right? Lolo0llzozlzozlzozlzozl

It's so fucking stupid. All it took was a couple people to get on TV and tell you you are being a super hero for ignoring the problems of our own country.... and here you are carrying water for the most corrupt people in this world lol. "Yeaaa! We should send ANOTHER 100 billion to the corrupt military industrial complex! YEAAAA!! WOOOOO"


mymaineaccount46 t1_j4h0g14 wrote

You're ignorant about how the aid is supplied. The majority of it is stockpiled military systems. I guess we could give the homeless each some 155mm arty shells but that's not gonna fix their problems.


[deleted] t1_j4h683t wrote

You are ignorant if you don't think those stockpiles now need to be replaced.

Pretending as if the 100+ billion wasn't an expense is absolutely absurd. But what else would I expect but lies and dishonesty from someone trying to justify the continued US war machine.


mymaineaccount46 t1_j4h6w6k wrote

This equipment would be fired in training, expire, or need refitting at some point anyway. It was going to get replaced eventually regardless this way it kills an aggressor. It doesn't hurt us at all to defend the vulnerable with the weapons they need to defend their home.

Leaving the weak to get run over by a revanchist power is disgusting.


[deleted] t1_j4hjxim wrote

>Leaving the weak to get run over by a revanchist power is disgusting

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

I know it's a stretch for a pro-war american.... but maybe learn about a subject before cheering for whatever the war machine does?

People in this country are so god damned stupid. They just ignore all history and keep screaming "WE ARE THE GOOD GUYS!!!!" as if the world is a comic book. For fucks sake.


mymaineaccount46 t1_j4hp7a9 wrote

> They just ignore all history and keep screaming

I have a degree in history.

There's no honest way to spin this to make us the bad guys. We have done nothing but provide weapons to a country defending itself from a hostile invasion. Your position is nothing more than "America bad" despite the majority of the world backing Ukraine as their neighbor literally invades and tries to annex them.


[deleted] t1_j4ia3kx wrote

>I have a degree in history.

LOL, Ukranian history? Or just "history in general"? hahaha

Because it really seems like you don't know anything about Ukraine or the relationship with Russia....or the US part in the coup 8 years ago.... or relations with NATO and Russia .... or anything surrounding the soviet union.

You also seem to have no knowledge of US interventions and military actions over the last 100 years..... you know how long the list of regime change is with the US? Installing right wing dictators?


>We have done nothing but provide weapons to a country defending itself from a hostile invasion.


We should NOT be sending trillions of dollars to stick our noses into other countries business constantly....WHILE OUR OWN PEOPLE DIE OF EASILY PREVENTED SICKNESS AND SUFFER.

Holy shit, what is it with you war mongers and only wanting to "help people" if it comes in the form of bombs and extreme spending to the military industrial complex??

Save lives here at home by giving healthcare? BOOOO BORIINNGGGGGG.

"Save lives" by engaging in regime change and installing right wing dictators? WOOO FUN!! HERE'S ALL THE MONEY YOU WANT!!!

Fucking ridiculous.


ecco-domenica t1_j4iwq4q wrote

Here's a thought. Not everybody who disagrees with you is a warmonger. Shout less, listen more.


[deleted] t1_j4iz9fv wrote

They are when they support 100+ billions going to countries we have no business with.


mymaineaccount46 t1_j4jchkw wrote

>You also seem to have no knowledge of US interventions and military actions over the last 100 years..... you know how long the list of regime change is with the US? Installing right wing dictators?

More what about


Should be easy for Russia to walk in and remove an unpopular, foreign placed regime. Oh wait, the population has supported the current political establishment in Ukraine with armed resistance to the invaders. You've eaten Russian propaganda in your rush to "America bad."

The Ukrainian people have agency in their actions. They chose their political establishment and they are defending their country. We are doing the right thing by supporting them and I hope we send more aid.

I'm done, god speed on being such a contrarian that you oppose helping people defend themselves against a hostile invasion.


[deleted] t1_j4jiosf wrote

>The Ukrainian people have agency in their actions. They chose their political establishment

The current Ukrainian government banned opposition parties and media when they were installed 8 years ago with the US help (our heads of state are on a leaked phone recording where they are discussing who to install after the coup).

Also half of the country has been actively fighting against the coup government since it was installed. So while you say "Ukrainians are defending their country".... you are only talking about a small portion of them. The other half have been under attack for quite some time.

None of this is "propaganda" (I know you propagandists LOVE to dismiss anything inconvenient as "Russia propaganda"'s ridiculous). This is basic undisputed history. A year ago no academic would have ever questioned these facts of the situation.

Just go look at articles about Ukraine from a couple years ago. It has been widely known as an authoritarian right wing regime for MANY YEARS at this point. Also EXTREMELY corrupt, one of the most corrupt in all of europe (THERE IS A REASON THEY WERE NEVER ACCEPTED TO NATO).

You just keep spewing war propaganda while casually ignoring all of the very long and established history of the situation.

You are deeply dishonest. Just endless lies and covering for the war machine and our proxy war as you push state propaganda.