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PGids t1_j2iwbck wrote

Practicing doctor? I can’t imagine

But he’s got an undergrad in biology from Harvard, received his MD and an MBA from UPenn

Can’t speak to his proficiency as a surgeon but uh, dude is definitely a doctor legally speaking lol

Edit: got curious to see if he was practicing or not, he was vice chair of surgery at Columbia until he started his political career, make of that what you want. I can’t imagine you make it on the surgical board at Columbia by being a shitty surgeon regardless of the dumb shit you say on daytime TV and how obnoxious you are in front of a camera


Runnah5555 t1_j2j5z1z wrote

He ceased being a doctor as soon as he started promoting and selling quack health products to gullible viewers.

He used the trust given to the profession to rob millions using false claims. Truly a despicable man.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j2jktu9 wrote

Yeah, he ceased being a doctor...and then he ran for a government position.


In the Republican party.

And he lost.