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thelumpya2 t1_j2qa78x wrote

I saw several folks out on the lakes an ponds along my way through Waterford toward Bethel this weekend. All ice fishing. Several of them had children in tow. Somehow I just knew I was going to see a story like this. Why are people so willing to temp fate for such little gain? I feel awful for this person and their family, because even a whiff of common sense would have prevented this.


Chimpbot t1_j2rdnqz wrote

I feel awful for the family, but not for the person who thought it would be a good idea to do this. They made a really, really dumb decision and paid a high price because of it.

Four-seater side-by-sides are heavy - about as heavy as a car - and they're not something people should generally be taking out onto the ice. It's even worse when it's been as warm as it had across the state.


ppitm t1_j2safwe wrote

Around Bethel there was still plenty of thick ice. Getting a bit dicey though, and ideally people would have proper testing equipment with them and think hard about the risks.