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Maineguy1299 t1_j2nlpgh wrote

Do stupid things, win stupid prizes unfortunately


DifferenceMore5431 t1_j2nvmds wrote

Driving a fully-loaded UTV on 2" of ice, 1/4 mile from land... yikes.


[deleted] t1_j2o5md3 wrote

Saw an ice shack on the water this weekend.. what the fuck are you people doing?


yupuhoh t1_j2o5rz7 wrote

Wow. I really should feel sorry but holy fuck. It hasn't exactly been cold lately why the fuck are you on the ice


yzfmike OP t1_j2o92fo wrote

You can clearly see the ice was quite thin since it was clear and not thick and white like other patches were. He should of never gone out at all. I don't think its safe for anyone unless the very far north Canada at this point of winter.


of_patrol_bot t1_j2o93nv wrote

Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake.

It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of.

Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything.

Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


WelcomeToTheBough t1_j2ofbid wrote

sad its not even borderline right now, its clear been warm and its deeply unsafe.


Runnah5555 t1_j2ogsc0 wrote

Sad that he couldn’t have learned the lesson without losing his life.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j2opv4z wrote

Another death by stupidity. Nothing new here.

Let this be a lesson for all of you, folks.

(And maybe next time, don't be so quick to flame me when I call out stupidity, huh? The irony is crazy!)


Huckleberry-Powerful t1_j2owzq6 wrote

This is super sad. The folks that survived must be truly traumatized after witnessing the death of a friend and then being unable to contact anyone for any hour. Regardless of stupidity, they certainly didn't deserve this.


Candygramformrmongo t1_j2p2czh wrote

I suspect his judgment was impaired by booze and/or drugs. Sad and so avoidable.


eljefino t1_j2p9vip wrote

Every adult on that ride has some responsibility. Speak up if something isn't safe. Driver probably felt like he could cross the lake for drinks with the Whomevers like every other new years party, weather be damned. And the riders-along just said, sure. The fact that they were lost in the fog speaks volumes about the stupidity of the situation.


8quantum_fields t1_j2q1b0g wrote

If everyone had drowned, would anyone still feel sorry for the now-dead driver (given that it was his decision)? This could have been a much worse tragedy. Everyone, even the guy who died, got lucky that stupidity didn't kill them all.


thelumpya2 t1_j2qa78x wrote

I saw several folks out on the lakes an ponds along my way through Waterford toward Bethel this weekend. All ice fishing. Several of them had children in tow. Somehow I just knew I was going to see a story like this. Why are people so willing to temp fate for such little gain? I feel awful for this person and their family, because even a whiff of common sense would have prevented this.


freetheroux t1_j2rdfrp wrote

What does side by side mean? Does that mean there was an additional cab on the side?


Chimpbot t1_j2rdnqz wrote

I feel awful for the family, but not for the person who thought it would be a good idea to do this. They made a really, really dumb decision and paid a high price because of it.

Four-seater side-by-sides are heavy - about as heavy as a car - and they're not something people should generally be taking out onto the ice. It's even worse when it's been as warm as it had across the state.


ppitm t1_j2safwe wrote

Around Bethel there was still plenty of thick ice. Getting a bit dicey though, and ideally people would have proper testing equipment with them and think hard about the risks.