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Minimum_Idea_5289 t1_j6dgudl wrote

That looks like Orion’s Belt? That’s pretty cool. I caught a meteor shower one time during the summer a few years back. First time I’ve ever seen something like that. The skies here are awesome for stargazing. Thanks for sharing!


slingshotcoyote t1_j6dma8i wrote

For night mode, if you set it on the longest (10sec) and set the exposure to the highest you’ll have to stand still but they’ll come out better


CrouchingGinger t1_j6dqtud wrote

Love this. I grew up not far from Prospect and it’s probably my favorite place.


civildisobedient t1_j6dsq53 wrote

If anyone's looking for the nebula, it's the middle "star" in Orion's sword (hanging off his belt).