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Henbogle t1_j607wtf wrote

Your form needs work. It makes you look very amateur


sledbelly t1_j60gzzr wrote

It was a quick survey. It serves its purpose.


Henbogle t1_j60urqp wrote

Ss an intern they are there to learn. I spent my career in higher ed working woth students. That form had multiple problems and with a little thought could have been much better, something to show a future employer or grad school.


sledbelly t1_j60wm1f wrote

If you spent your career in higher education working with students, they must not have learned a gd thing because you didn’t offer any constructive criticism or what they could fix on the form.

I filled out the form.

I had no issue.


geneticswag t1_j60lc0z wrote

you know like, interns are generally amateur, right?


Zacchhh t1_j60h7rg wrote

What exactly is wrong with it? Seems fine to me


peppapoofle4 t1_j60xmvw wrote

Give constructive criticism, like what does it need work on?