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crenk3130 t1_j6nokys wrote

have you wrote to your: • Town Manager • Town Council • State Rep • State Senator • Local Highway Department • Maine DOT

any of those might get you further than complaining into the void on reddit to people that couldn’t possibly care less


crenk3130 t1_j6nrgfk wrote

it’s even funnier that you think any of us want to listen to your useless drivel in their place.. go complain to the proper channels if you want something done instead of whining about it on reddit. vote someone else into their place, hell, RUN FOR SOMETHING since you’re mister idea man with all the ideas!


mainebringstheheat t1_j6nwv5u wrote

Yea imagine 1 center turning lane for people turning left BOTH! That would be a nightmare! I just chill in the right lane when I go through there and seems to be fine!

As for the light by the police station it's not the cities fault people don't know how to drive/read signs!


GhostOfLords t1_j6nyh8h wrote

My advice for anyone driving pleasant st coming in from 295:

-stay in the right lane coming off of 295 unless you have to go to one of the businesses on the left hand side of Pleasant street when you get off the interstate. If you have to go to one of those businesses (before the river road intersection) then you should start in the left lane.

-after river road, get into the left lane if you are going route 1 or stay in the right lane if you are gonna go to Maine street.

If you stay in the left hand lane from start to finish it will take you forever with people turning left all the time.


SemaphoreBingo t1_j6o32s0 wrote

If you drive thru there more than once a year and are ever in one of the inner lanes without intent to turn, you're doing it wrong.


rockcitybender t1_j6o44yo wrote

So one lane in each direction would create less traffic? That makes no sense.


Beefy-McWhatnow1988 t1_j6ohymm wrote

I’m not on here to talk about the traffic issue, I will though mention how I think it’s crazy to me that they moved the Fire Station there, seems a little to…busy.


ECMeenie t1_j6oj07r wrote

Life in Maine be like you can’t get there from here.


blainemoore t1_j6p1h9g wrote

The town has been trying to figure out how to fix this for years. There are regular public meetings discussing proposed changes, have you attended any of them? They have also done some tests to change the intersection, especially at Stanwood/Mill, to various levels of success.


King_O_Walpole t1_j6pf6wv wrote

Distance yes. Time wise, all depends on the time of day. Topsham connector handles more traffic more easily. So with traffic it’s a toss up. Early morning/late night, pleasant street is quicker every time.

To each their own, this has been a problem since I worked in Brunswick 2009-20015


ZingZongZaddy t1_j6pfe6p wrote

Be in the correct lane to begin with and you won't have any problem.


OurWhoresAreClean t1_j6pjdjk wrote

Honestly, I'd rather just see them put in a divider so that left-hand turns aren't even an option, except for maybe a couple designated spots.