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badhmorrigan t1_j53x6jz wrote

Tens of millions dead chickens. Chicken has been a cheap and filling protein, not anymore.


Mainah68 t1_j56sk8l wrote

I believe there have been some pretty big fires too. Additionally, the price of grain has gone way up.


ppitm t1_j551oxt wrote

We don't eat egg chickens


badhmorrigan t1_j55e9yo wrote

It's not like layers are the only chickens who are affected by the avian flu.


ppitm t1_j55eswn wrote

But chicken meat prices have actually declined since September


Ancient-Access8131 t1_j57izk3 wrote

Thats because it takes about 20 weeks for chicks to be raised into hens to start laying eggs, while it only takes 5-8 weeks for chicks to get old enough to be slaughtered.


ppitm t1_j57t2je wrote

No, meat chickens are a totally different species from laying chickens. About as different as chihuahuas and dobermans. They're mutants, really. Congenitally obese and die of heart attacks if you don't eat them.


Ancient-Access8131 t1_j57tgyg wrote

They arent different species, but different breeds. Same with dogs, all domesticated dogs are the same species. But my point was mainly that laying hens take much longer to raise than, meat chickens.