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silverballhoops t1_j5z1l4s wrote

That's funny, my neighbor got the opposite treatment. Just as he was nearing shoveling his driveway the plow came by and pushed 2 more feet into his driveway. Win some lose some


Antnee83 t1_j5z7oiu wrote

Yeah, this is the first time in years I've called a plow. Just moving what was in the driveway was awful, there is no possible way I could have moved that waist-high mountain of death at the end


joysef99 t1_j5zdffh wrote

The heroes of Maine. Our public works crew is amazing (their boss is a dick, though, ha). I ran and popped some brownies in a baggie for them when they cleaned out the drains last time we had two storms in such quick succession. They only asked if they were "fun brownies." 😂 My friend used to shovel hr driveway with a $20 after storms and wave it at plows that drive by. 😂 That's how she found her plow guy.


putativeskills t1_j5zj0px wrote

Earlier this week I got stuck in the snow at the end of my driveway. After an hour and a half of trying to get out a very kind stranger in a truck with a plow stopped and helped get my car out. Took him less than 10 minutes. I went to work and when I came home, he had also plowed my whole driveway.

Nice people are my favorite kind of people.


elt0p0 t1_j5zmufw wrote

The way life should be.


KaiRayPel t1_j5zom5e wrote

If only this could happen with me. Oh yes there are three other adults in the house, but nope the small 130lb mother is out doing it.

600ft driveway btw.

I have such shitty roommates


Orphanpuncher0 t1_j5zy17h wrote

He has a neighbor who is a total bro to the entire neighborhood. He goes around with his little truck and plow hitting at least the end of everyone's driveway from where the town plow built up, and the last 2 storms he has straight up done my whole driveway. If you try to give him money he rolls up his window or drives away.


20thMaine t1_j60p8ny wrote

This is great that someone helped but… you know your driveway is that long and is pain to shovel. There are other ways…


JEMColorado t1_j60q3pj wrote

Mainers need to stay strong and healthy during the dark, cold winter months.


eljefino t1_j6195m4 wrote

Dude, how long is your driveway? Looks like 100+ feet.


normal_lava t1_j61uquk wrote

this happened to me this morning, too :) neighbor's son-in-law came to plow and saw me shoveling the wet, wet snow. very thankful!


DidDunMegasploded t1_j635ilx wrote

Bless the inventor of plows.

But also, bless the inventor of snowblowers.