Submitted by BadLuckShoesie t3_10aczhb in Maine

Dear lord on my way home the amount of reckless drivers on the side of the road. Where I live the roads weren’t plowed particularly well and there’s that combo of dirt snow and salt still on the streets. People’s instincts for those without four wheel drive is probably to go 10-15 miles slower than usual which I understand, but not many others apparently.

I’m driving home and there’s a few cars in front of me who are also behind a plow truck and all of a sudden I see this SUV to the left of me while I also see incoming traffic. The idiot was obviously impatient and ended up veering into the woods. What pisses me off is how he almost caused a huge accident for others. Be fucking patient during snowy weather. Yeah it sucks but be mindful of others on the road. 🖕



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Starboard_Pete t1_j43jdxf wrote

Saw one car, one SUV, and one truck on the side of the road on my 24-mile commute home tonight. Roads were absolute shit.

And geez people….consider stopping distance. For the love of all things, don’t tail!!


BadLuckShoesie OP t1_j43jspl wrote

Seriously. Most people’s brakes in snowy weather aren’t the best when roads are shit. Ice and snow are slick so there’s a need for extra time to brake. And also, if the highway has a speed limit of 45 on the highway during a storm, it’s not optional. It’s the law.


Imagine_Gravity_0007 t1_j43kelq wrote

From what I have seen, people who drive like idiots in good conditions don’t really change how they drive when the road conditions are bad


LockAggressive5516 t1_j43minc wrote

I just dropped off my daughter for winter soccer practice, 3 wrecks on the way there, one was even up a hill, how do you lose control going up a hill? And end up kissing a tree


NetLibrarian t1_j43oczh wrote

A big part of the problem is that this is the first really slick storm we've seen this season. It takes a few before people remember how to drive on ice and snow.. And even then, the road is full of idiots.

Drive slow, assume the worst of other drivers, and buckle up!


lipsticknic3 t1_j43qqrb wrote

A coworker brags to me about how he speeds in the snow and doesn't gaf.

He's an idiot. He recently got himself injured at work, badly, for being an idiot using improper equipment for the task.


Solodc1983 t1_j43rcfo wrote

Slower is fine. The issue i have is when the roads are not bad and its snowing and they drive like 20 mph under the posted limit.

Please people, use the correct tires for the time of year or make sure u have good tires.


Antnee83 t1_j43sdun wrote

Yep. Was just on the road and this is exactly the type of conditions people should be slowing the fuck down in.


The_Cream_Man t1_j43usa4 wrote

I was supposed to drive from Bangor to Belfast tonight in my civic with "all season tires", drove to the end of my street and immediately turned around cause it was so bad lol

(I work from home so I don't have to drive in the snow normally)


Antnee83 t1_j43wnln wrote

This was back in I think 2011? 2012? Really bad snowstorm and I was living in Poland at the time. Dark, snowing like a motherfucker, roads weren't plowed yet at all.

Three ways I could get to where I lived. One was a gradual slow incline with a curve: Got halfway up and just could not get enough speed to keep climbing without ALSO making my tires spin. Back down I went, backwards.

The other was a very steep hill but a straightshot at the bottom. Tried to pick up speed, same goddamn thing happened.

So I had to go alllll the fuck away around, and ended up at the top of a hill, but at the bottom was a 90 degree turn. You guessed it, could not control my descent, and right into the ditch I went at the bottom.

AAA pulled me out, guy told me he just pulled someone off a tree at exactly the hill I was at before, where I slid backwards.

I didn't have bad tires or anything, it was just absurdly slick. Fuckin hated that whole goddamn night


Ant_Smant t1_j43zl2c wrote

I wish it were that easy. A new set of studs is expensive, and having them changed over at a warehouse isn’t cheap either. Sometimes the best option for people is to drive slower, especially for people who don’t have AWD/4WD vehicles.


IamSauerKraut t1_j4401yj wrote

Why be pissed that a guy who attempted to pass with traffic coming straight at him ended up in the woods. You should be laughing at him (assuming he didnt kill himself).


justadumbwelder1 t1_j440chd wrote

Dont disagree with you completely, but when everyone is going 70 and one person is going 45 in the left lane coming out of portland, who is creating the hazard. The "no vehicles under 5hp and no animals led or driven" signs exist for a reason.


danimal207 t1_j441xp4 wrote

PSA if you drive a civic/corolla hot hatch etc please just buy snow tires it will save you time, money and annoyance


heavymetaltshirt t1_j442vkz wrote

You are right.

Also “The Authority may designate different maximum speeds … during periods of adverse atmospheric or weather conditions. Maximum speeds … during any period of adverse atmospheric or weather conditions shall be in accordance with signs displayed for such zones. All regulatory and zoning signs displayed on the Turnpike shall be obeyed.”

and also

“Motor vehicles shall not be driven in excess of the mechanical limits of vehicles or tires. If traffic, weather, pavement or other conditions render the maximum allowable speed hazardous, the speed of motor vehicles shall be reduced consistent with such conditions.”


Ruffed-Grouse t1_j449ncj wrote

Perhaps. But sometimes the sign may say “45mph winter advisory” or whatever hours before precipitation while the roads are still dry. Only an absolute dipshit would poke along I-95 at 45 mph on dry roads and be like “well the sign says.. it’s tHe LAw!”


FlyingUdonMonster t1_j449rxi wrote

PSA: use them even if you have a 4×4. Four-wheel drive only helps you go. Winter tires help you go, too, but will also help you stop and turn, which are pretty darned important.

Any traction system on your car will only perform as good as the rubber on your tires allows it to.


Raw-JPEG t1_j44gz0w wrote

This happened to me tonight, slick roads, going 10 under, dude passes me on a slippery hill going downhill. Lucky he didn’t hit me or go off the road. Drives me nuts.


sjm294 t1_j44h9o6 wrote

That might have been the year I tried 3 different ways to go home after work. I finally gave up and went to my mother’s house where there were no hills. My commute was usually an hour, but that night it was way over that.


HelpImInMaine t1_j44ny19 wrote

gotta get home quick to keep the 5-pack of beer cold... Is what most of them crazy drivers be doing.. 😉


Graflex01867 t1_j44qnh7 wrote

You start to loose traction going straight up the hill, so you step on the gas. Your tires are both spinning, but you don’t have equal traction on both sides (partly because of the differential in the transmission, partly just because the traction isn’t equal for whatever reason.) Unequal traction means one side of the car digs in, and the car starts rotating - then you’re accelerating, while pointed to one side - and you end up off in the woods.


saucytortillas t1_j44t9te wrote

Yes last snowstorm some asshole in white pickup was riding my ass blinding me with his lights. When I could barely see a thing from the snow either. Scared


Rurudo66 t1_j451vf9 wrote

I did a little bit of DoorDashing in Bangor earlier thinking it would be busy (which it was), but I gave up on it pretty quickly. Even with an AWD SUV, conditions were awful. Made the mistake of taking Stillwater back to Orono and hoo boy, wasn't that harrowing?


NoShip7475 t1_j453i9j wrote

Tons of idiots with their brights on too


Buellymcbuellface t1_j455ot5 wrote

PSA winter tires are designed to operate at 45F and lower temperatures. The rubber is very soft and will figuratively, with the potential to literally, melt. Also they are expensive as fuck, especially if you choose to buy another set of wheels.


SunBlindFool t1_j45czy8 wrote

I think the problem is it's not really snowing bad enough to be overly cautious. I see people driving 30 on I95 because of a little bit of sleet. Then I see people passing them going 90 which is obviously isn't good.


Substantial-Spare501 t1_j45uw6e wrote

I live at the bottom of a hill. People go off the road usually going up right before the turn a few times per year. You do have to hit the gas a bit right where the road changes to get up the hill. And that’s where they end up on the side of the road.


joseph_esq t1_j45winj wrote

Not to be the Uno-reverse card here but maybe the guy in the SUV had to get to the hospital or something equally important.

I agree with your PSA 100% but, you know, assumptions beware


vgallant t1_j45x7nf wrote

My favorite is that one person going 20mph with 15 cars lined up behind them. Pull the fuck over and let them go around you! I drove home from belfast last night and yeah, the roads were covered but not fly off the road bad, even on the hills on rt 7. I'm sure it was bad in other places.

My husband went out at 11pm in a tanker full of fuel, to Machias. The people going 20mph are a royal pita for loaded trucks trying to make it anywhere too, if they don't pull over.


fwydriver t1_j460bb1 wrote

I remember emailing the Maine Turnpike Authority in 2020 about why variable regulatory speed limits are limited to ORT plazas and got the following response at the time:

We do not have any plans at this time install variable speed limits signs at locations besides the ORT plazas. Our flashing 45 MPH signs are technically advisory signs, however motorists can still be issued a ticket for imprudent speed. ORT plazas are different than the rest of interstate and making it regulatory vs advisory prudent.


SameProfession254 t1_j461w10 wrote

How about the people who live in Maine but have never even thought to prepare for bad weather? I know people who have lived here for their whole life and have never bought a generator. Yeah its rare but you still need to prepare for it.


MrLonely_ t1_j468xn8 wrote

It’s common in cars and trucks with rear wheel drive, gravity means the tires are working harder to stay in contact with the road, hills tend to ice up from the water running down them and all your power pushing instead of pulling means that if the tires lose control your basically a pendulum. It’s why you will sometimes see the DOT plow trucks reverse up hills, but that’s more common in very rural areas.


WalkerBRiley t1_j46a853 wrote

No, it's the people who tell others to get snow tires or get off the road. They think because they've 4 wheel drive and/or snow tires that means they'll never go off the road and can go thirty over the limit.

I say "people don't know how to drive in the snow" frequently. I also drive slowly in icy and snowy conditions. Usually slow enough that people back up behind me and are quite obviously very angry because they can't go 20 over like they want.


WalkerBRiley t1_j46ae7j wrote

all seasons are fine for snow for the most part. I've never had anything but and I've only gone off the road in snow once or twice, both times because I was young, going too fast and learnt my lesson after the second time.


WalkerBRiley t1_j46aneb wrote

If you fucking tell me to buy snow tires I swear it I'm gonna shove em up your ass. Unless you're willing to offer your garage for storage for the ten months I don't need them, I'll just stick to driving smart during snow.


ASki420 t1_j46c3l2 wrote

Lol nice comeback? A little weed that I use for a severe medical condition, has nothing to do with the fact that I can’t dish out almost $1k or more for snow tires. Even if I did manage to come up with that kind of money, I live in an apartment building and have absolutely nowhere to store them. Get a fucking clue buddy, not everyone has some comfy ass life like you clearly do. Kindly eat shit. EDIT: Oh, and did I mention I’m from Massachusetts? Just wanted to give you an extra reason to hate me😉😘


MathematicianGlum880 t1_j46gkia wrote

I don’t travel much past Freeport these days. More so to Mass and back, quite often so our grandson can visit his mother. I’m doing 70 in the middle lane and I’ve got crazies blowing by me in the left and right lanes. Swerving! No blinker! There is literally no common sense and no respect ! I was told I was in the wrong lane and going too slow one time.


SameProfession254 t1_j46iqd9 wrote

Bro I am not talking about snow tires lol. I'm talking about people that lose power and make the Pikachu face. A small generator is not expensive. You live in a state that occasionally gets wild weather. Prepare for it


danimal207 t1_j46qcfc wrote

Ok toots, sorry you’re big mad over my general suggestion that it would be prudent to purchase snow tires for inclement weather. Your personal situation and where you’re from is irrelevant to the fact that snow tires make driving in snow safer. I hope you’re able to find some peace and happiness despite the animosity and hatred that you’re clearly harboring.


ASki420 t1_j46sl76 wrote

You stated something so ridiculously obvious, like I’d honestly be shocked if anyone in New England wasn’t aware of the fact that snow tires are the safer option. I think you’re ignorant for suggesting that everyone should buy snow tires as if it’s super affordable. It’s not. And then you try to shame me because I have a medical condition and a medical marijuana card? You don’t even know me, don’t tell me why I can’t afford things in my life. Like I said, you’re ignorant AF.


ecco-domenica t1_j46tppr wrote

People’s instincts . . . is probably to go 10-15 miles slower

Not just an instinct. It's called driving for the conditions and it's required.


danimal207 t1_j46unld wrote

Your reading comprehension is as piss poor as your demeanor and social skills but your ability to jump to wild conclusions is on point. I sure hope to never run into you on the roads or in person!


ecco-domenica t1_j46vk4e wrote

When the road is snowy and slippery it's harder to find a safe place to pull over without slowing down even more and that's compounded by someone riding your tail with headlights glaring. If you find yourself behind someone you want to pass maybe try backing off some so they don't risk having you slide into their backside when they signal and brake.


FlyingUdonMonster t1_j46vot8 wrote

There’s always the catch-all “driving too fast for conditions”. Maine has a basic speed law in addition to the speed limits.

“ An operator shall operate a vehicle at a careful and prudent speed not greater than is reasonable and proper having due regard to the traffic, surface and width of the way and of other conditions then existing.”


MonsterByDay t1_j46wy50 wrote

4/AWD helps you accelerate on ice. It doesn't really help you with the stopping or the turning.


jwc8985 t1_j478ics wrote

So many people don’t realize the speed limits apply to “ideal conditions.”

You can absolutely get a ticket for reckless driving going below the speed limit if it’s still too fast for the conditions.


eljefino t1_j47hsce wrote

Many Maine roads are crowned too much so you hit a little bump, break traction, and slide off sideways.

They're old farm roads and don't have the proper underlayment. Maine Turnpike and a FEW state roads (202) in a FEW spots are the exception.


YolksOnU t1_j47w0uj wrote

Eh just let 'em go on by. Sometimes I see the same truck or Subaru that sped past me like a fool stuck in a snowbank a few miles up the road. I don't stop. I have a tow rope, but I figure you're so smart that you got yourself stuck in a snowbank you must be smart enough to get out on your own.


jkuhl t1_j47y7re wrote

Last week I had to travel on a snowy/rainy day to be at my new house in time for the movers to show up. Didn't want to drive but had no other choice really, from Rumford to Winthrop. I was barely doing the speed limit if at all, since I was concerned about slippery conditions.

Some clown tailgated me from Wayne to Winthrop. Like dude, if I hit an icy patch and lose control, do you *really* want to be that close to me?


curtludwig t1_j48jt8c wrote

So I've got to ask, at what point is it not worth it to make it to winter soccer practice?

I remember lots of times where my dad would be taking me to some extracurricular activity and we'd just turn around and go home "nope, it's too bad out tonight."

I know that winter soccer practice is "important" but not getting into car accidents is even more important.


curtludwig t1_j48k6xf wrote

I remember one time the snow started about noon. Seemed like every business let out around 2pm, the roads were crazy. I went back to work, put on my headphones and watched movies until about 7. At that point the traffic had died down, the plow crews had gotten a handle on it and the roads were fine, no stress...


curtludwig t1_j48kyb4 wrote

You'll never understand the value of proper snow tires until you've actually had them. Sure you can drive with all season tires but the ability of snow tires, even cheap ones, in bad conditions is totally worth it.

I used to drive a rear wheel drive diesel Mercedes, perfect snow car, skinny tires, heavy car, low power, manual transmission. I went places in the snow that 4wd trucks couldn't follow. As long as I didn't high center we could get there.


curtludwig t1_j48m261 wrote

I bought a generator in 2008, I think it's only run maybe 3 times in all those years.

I've got an old car battery with an inverter, it'll run a light, the cable modem and the wifi. To cook I've got a camp stove and heat from the woodstove. The power is rarely out for more than an hour or two at my house ever. Like once a decade ever.

If you live out at the end of the road a generator might be a good idea but most people don't need one.


sjm294 t1_j48m5g8 wrote

Smart! Another bad weather day-I had a really stressful drive to work and as soon as I got there I had a call from the hospital. My daughter was in an accident on her way to school. They said she was ok but they wanted me to come pick her up. I asked them if they had called her dad who was at home. Of course not! I told them that I had just driven for 2 hours to get to work and I wasn’t going to get back in my car just to do it all over again. So, call her dad…