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keysandtreesforme t1_j5g2x8w wrote

Reply to comment by mainething in Despicable by KermitThrush

Ok…I also despise this piece of shit. But 47 years isn’t long enough to be called a Mainer?? Is by-birth the only bar high enough? If that’s the case, I have bad news about those in your company (they’re pretty damn closed-minded).


lucianbelew t1_j5g6drr wrote

> But 47 years isn’t long enough to be called a Mainer??

Nope. One of my neighbors recently informed me that, since I was not born here, my Maine-born children will never be Mainers, but their children might.


[deleted] t1_j5gbbpg wrote



lucianbelew t1_j5gbmy8 wrote

Do you not understand that it's generally desirable to be accepted as a member of the community in which you live?


[deleted] t1_j5geomr wrote



lucianbelew t1_j5geyfa wrote

I don't fucking know, cuz. I'm just relaying the bullshit my neighbor said the other day. Take it up with someone else.


IamSauerKraut t1_j5h24rp wrote

Your neighbor is as dumb as a toadstool. Prolly looks like one, too.


grayhairedqueenbitch t1_j5h27lj wrote

I was born in New Hampshire and my older brother in Boston. (Our parents were still in college). My grandfathers came from other New England states. My grandmother was born in Maine, but her parents were immigrants. My other grandmother was from Maine for generations but she moved 15 miles down the road after getting married. My parents were born in Maine, and have lived there close to 70 of their 80 years, but they're not "from there" according to some.


mainething t1_j5g4hzj wrote

no, no being a Mainer means being born here ... and then we have to accept them for what they are, but when they crawl here to try to use our state meme as a recertification - they need to be identified as being from "AWAY"
