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Majestic-Feedback541 t1_j9k9075 wrote

Ok, but why can't a Maine owned and operated company be created to do this? I say created because I honestly don't know if there's any mining companies in state.

Wouldn't that help create jobs, and boost our economy better than an outside company coming in?


hosmosis t1_j9knijw wrote

A Maine owned/operated company likely wouldn’t resource mine in areas that would ruin the standard of living for fellow Mainers. That’s why out of state companies are pursuing this; because this specific initiative requires that you don’t care about the livelihood of the region after you make the profit.


WayneSkylar_ t1_j9omp4c wrote

No exaggeration, 60+% of all global mining firms are Canadian. If mining is gonna happen, it will almost always be Canadian companies.


DrGordonFreemanScD t1_j9ookz1 wrote

Create jobs. Make waste. Let government (AKA you and me) pay for cleanup. Rich people laugh at us all the way to the bank.