UnkleClarke t1_j6yvu0g wrote
The Government IS the problem!
The only way to fix housing is not more Government intervention. The government has caused this problem. With zoning regulations, code, limiting number building permits (or having any building at all). Taxes, allowing monopolies on utility companies, giving free housing to people that refuse to work.
If anyone could simply cut some trees down and build an kind of structure they wanted for their home there would be no homeless people.
The solution is simple. Get any and all government organizations out of housing and the problem will correct itself.
redcoat777 t1_j6z7h8e wrote
You started off so strong, but then the minecart went off the rails
UnkleClarke t1_j71kyg3 wrote
Glad you agree! Be well!
Cougardoodle t1_j71l6oi wrote
I think Current You needs to take advice from Past You.
>Stay away from home built after 1980. The quality of materials had drastically decreased since that time frame. If possible homes built in the 1880-1950’s era are best. Quality construction and builders that actually took pride in their craft.
Past You would probably find some flaws in repealing all those pesky building codes.
Tony-Flags t1_j729nci wrote
I thought I had seen some kooky takes on the housing crisis, but "Eliminating all building regulations to allow homeless people to build their own log cabins will solve homelessness" is a new one. Bravo!
And anytime someone says, "The solution is simple" to a complex problem is when I stop listening.
UnkleClarke t1_j72it75 wrote
You seem to have paid pretty close attention for a guy at is not interested in my opinion.
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