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FinnLovesHisBass t1_j6y3l2p wrote

The deer was a nice touch. Makes me love Mainahs with their sense of humor.


BuggerPie81 t1_j6y47ug wrote

Oh fucking Maine, I love you. Signed - not a hunter


costabius t1_j6y4skp wrote

And for my next trick, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hood!


Yaktheking t1_j6yow5a wrote

Legally they have to display the animal on the exterior of the vehicle, until it has been registered as harvested at a game station. (Assuming it was hunted)


Joedome t1_j6yrj4c wrote

There are many licence plates in Willy's ale room


bigbluedoor t1_j6yxdgr wrote

i can’t see anything in the trunk? it’s just dark with smudges on the wild shield in the way.

there’s something on the far left side that could maybe be a leg but could also be just about anything else

edit: oh wait actually i just realized the deer has a tongue hanging out lol. i suppose that could be fake as part of a bit but i’m leaning toward whole deer now


robbins290 t1_j6yyac0 wrote

Love mine!!!!! I did this with the wifes car a few years ago. She was pissed. But lewst i had meat.


Inevitable-Ad-6952 t1_j6zds12 wrote

Wait, how do we know the deer is dead and not just hiding in the back to jump out and prank the driver


MaineChowder71 t1_j6zfr5v wrote

This needs to be in the other post titled "You know you are from Maine when......"😂😂


rofopp t1_j6zhfcb wrote

Stumbled into The Aristocrats


BeemHume t1_j6zqr1r wrote

I was just thinking this sub was going South

and then you

totally redeem yourself!


otakugrey t1_j70hsq7 wrote

I miss deer, I haven't tasted any in so long.


sacredblasphemies t1_j70v14d wrote

There's something about the combination of the deer and that license plate that's just hilarious.

Like it's a magic trick gone awry.

"Hey, me pull a deer out of this guy's trunk!"



rectumlike t1_j71pibf wrote

I cant help but think there's a couple dents on the front of that car.


farmingmaine t1_j721d5v wrote

I remember when you could tie a deer down across the passenger side of the front hood of the large cars driven in the 1960’s. There were so many driving down the Maine Turnpike on Sundays heading South during deer season. We would see them returning from visiting grand parents.


LeagueInteresting453 t1_j72itis wrote

I have a lot of respect for hunters who don’t drive a pickup. No frills, just get in there and do the job


MainelyKahnt t1_j72ob9x wrote

One of my college buddies from NYC hit a deer and was freaking out. Then proceeded to freak out even more when the cop who came to the accident scene asked if he wanted to keep it🤣.