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[deleted] t1_ja2xlo3 wrote

I definitely understand the sentiment you're carrying. I've met many very sweet and gentle pits.

Almost every single time I am with one however, I am aware that if this dog decided to turn on me I would have a really hard time stopping it. They are strong and powerful and unfortunately the stats show they are overwhelmingly responsible for this type of attack. It's just sad.


Lower-Permission4850 t1_ja37pny wrote

They are no where as strong as larger breeds. It’s media hype still to this day that’s a fact


charons-voyage t1_ja3bwcq wrote

You’re actually delusional it’s hilarious. If a golden retriever bites me, I can probably take it. A pit bull? No fuckin way they are aggressive and will continue attacking. That’s just nature. Not the dogs fault, but no one should own them. Or if they do, they should never be allowed off leash or to be in the presence of strangers. You just never know.


Lower-Permission4850 t1_ja4tw23 wrote

I actually do feel bad now they this article about a child being attacked has people coming at a simple comment with garbage. But you calling me delusional for what I said then saying every pitbull is a killer and shouldn’t be a pet is far more delusional. I suppose every military aged male is a killer too right? Why not? Because they’re individuals with their own thoughts and personalities and certainly not every soldier has killed someone.


Lower-Permission4850 t1_ja4so9r wrote

That is literally delusional and you clearly have no experience with them but you are exactly why people hate Reddit


Impossible_Brief56 t1_ja4fghe wrote

Stfu already you only prove your ignorance with each comment


Lower-Permission4850 t1_ja4tcz9 wrote

German shepherd attack far more people than pitbull. Ask anyone you know with dog attack scars what kinda dog it was and I have a German shepherd so I’m not hating