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Sudden-Lawyer-8035 t1_j9dt88l wrote

Tyler Technologies is a managed service provider that offers little more then 20/hr for their employees and subpar benefits. They also are one of the only MSPs in the area and don't employ software engineers even though that's their title they employ tech support.

They offer a basic network admin that does little more than manage active directory and offer solutions that don't extend past basic domain controllers and AD. Their software engineers offer remote control to solve tech support solutions and offer little to no help transitioning from their service.

So yes its a move in the right direction but hardly the tech company that's going to make a difference. They also are opening in Orono to offer an "affordable" solution to customers by hiring straight out of college employees they can pay less than market. Which only lasts until they get experience find their worth and then move on


MeanFluffyBunny t1_j9f2gpy wrote

> Tyler Technologies is a managed service provider

They are a tech company that provides software solutions to local governments. In fact, they are the largest tech company in this market in the entire nation. Also they are on the S&P 500.

> They also are one of the only MSPs in the area and don’t employ software engineers even though that’s their title they employ tech support.

Im not sure what a MSP is, but they do employ local software engineers.

> They also are opening in Orono to offer an “affordable” solution to customers by hiring straight out of college employees they can pay less than market. Which only lasts until they get experience find their worth and then move on

They have struggled to hire anyone from UMaime, all of the graduates head south to Portland or beyond. They are hoping an actual tech office, closer proximity and more scholarship/internships opportunity will fix this. Yes, they could pay more. But I’m not sure they have any jobs at 20 an hour (maybe they do, but I’d be surprised).

Edit: yes we need another tech company in the area. They have no competition up here besides the banks.