Submitted by FlippingWunderful t3_10ufx4g in Maine

I don't have any family that will take me in, they all have their own issues to deal with. I don't have any friends that can take me in. Lost everything in my divorce this last year and I don't know what to do anymore. I've been trying to get a housing voucher for over a year now and still have not heard anything back. Trying to keep my spirits up but right now it feels like my life is falling apart and nothing I do can fix it. I need a place to live to get a job. I need a job to get a place to live. I need a car to get to work. I need a job to fix and inspect my car. I'm in this endless loop of being stuck and I have no idea how to get out of it.



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New-Work-139 t1_j7brob0 wrote

You’re primed for the social services system - don’t be ashamed to ask for help. Case workers love helping folks down on their luck who genuinely want to pull themselves up. Dial 211 and get the ball rolling.


heavymetaltshirt t1_j7c6cm0 wrote

I’m sorry to hear this is happening. If you call the office where you applied for a housing voucher, they can tell you where you are on the wait list. It might be worth updating your application anyway, especially if you’ve become homeless since you applied—it could bump you up on the list. Also make sure they have the correct mailing address and phone number for you.

In addition to being on the State section 8 list, it may be worth checking if your town has a separate list. I believe South Portland has a list of their own, and other towns might as well.

Asking General Assistance for rental help in your town might be a way to get stable in the short term. It’s a very financially strict program, and a challenge to work through the rental process, but I’ve seen people get successfully housed through them.

Good luck!


JimBones31 t1_j7cggc5 wrote

There are jobs out there in which you live on site with the company paying for housing and food if that interests you.


Andrew_Lollo-Baloney t1_j7ci3k0 wrote

What area are you located in? I know of a place in Portland that is seeking employees and I believe they either already have onsite housing or are planning to build it.


anyodan8675 t1_j7cree8 wrote

Is there a better sub for people who are looking for help? Seems like so many people are in need. I don't think r/Maine is the proper forum. GoFundMe maybe?


elt0p0 t1_j7csdpy wrote

Keep applying to local services wherever you are so you can secure a place to stay until there are longer term places available. Hang in there and take advantage of local freebies, like meals, showers and legal options. Just keep showing up - you'll be noticed.


eljefino t1_j7cw05h wrote

Get a job at a car dealership or tire shop. Porter, cashier, whatever. They are desperately hiring and open 60 hours a week. Befriend a mechanic there and get an "easy sticker" and maybe even learn something new.

For living quarters, try working "night audit" at a hotel. You're the desk clerk for third shift. They might have a room for you, or, if not, at least you're off the streets for the night. Job comes with a computer, use that or your phone to find a better job. There are busy times of the night and quiet moments too. If not night audit, work housekeeping-- they are desperate in that dept too.


Gnarly_Panda t1_j7cwbl3 wrote

Check out some work travel sites. You can get a job and a lot of places will provide food and housing which will come out of your pay. Check out cool works.con


david_lo-pan t1_j7d26ae wrote

Don’t worry about the inspection thing too much, especially if your sticker is green. Just don’t do anything else to get yourself pulled over and no one will notice.


Andrew_Lollo-Baloney t1_j7d4d1v wrote

Ugh, I’m sorry. The place I heard about is Ocean View, which is housing for older folks and I believe they were looking for people to do food related things, I think both FOH and BOH. I can’t vouch for them personally, but it sounded like a pretty sweet gig.


Money-Topic-725 t1_j7dpmf7 wrote

If you’re in Knox, Lincoln, or Waldo Counties, call Knox County Homeless Coalition! 207-593-8151, let us help you!


Chupacabra2030 t1_j7dqqjl wrote

Someone on this reddit will surely open their home to this person . Someone must have extra room in their houses


JimBones31 t1_j7egt1a wrote

It's industry standard for me.

I work in the maritime industry and everyone works and lives onboard.

Here's what I got off the top of my head: Shipping, trucking, oil rigs, housing superintendent park rangers sometimes.


TheMobyDicks t1_j7h6oj1 wrote

Go to a welfare office in an affluent town. They'll set you up in a hotel. I'm going to DM you this in case you miss it.