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LaChanz t1_j7ho17o wrote

Is there something in the water or Moxie down there?


GeoWannaBe t1_j7hq6sc wrote

Unbelievable that people keep hitting that same pole after they even put barriers and a stop sign on it! This is Wally World in Auburn Maine. Must have happened at least a dozen times.


mamunipsaq t1_j7hql0i wrote

When Auburn sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing pickup trucks. They’re bringing SUVs. They’re bad drivers. And some, I assume, are good drivers”


notawight t1_j7hr8v0 wrote

This may sound crazy, but what if, now hear me out - what if they removed the stop sign?


Kartoffelkopf t1_j7hsg3u wrote

I think they need to close off that part of the city and let the SCP Foundation take over


BracedRhombus t1_j7ht43m wrote

I don't get it. I've been to that Wal-Mart, I don't have an urge to run into random barricades and poles, or this one, specifically. Does it vanish in their blind spot? Does their blind spot expand? Is the pole magnetic?

Has anyone interviewed these people to find out why they did it?


lobstah t1_j7huldr wrote

Pole standing there sayin " Missed Me !"


TheDiceMan2 t1_j7huxbs wrote

stop this is actually hilarious (assuming everyone is ok)


Timely-Bee-8287 t1_j7hvcng wrote

They need to have a Camera outside so they can live feed it so it would make up for the cost of replacing the sign


Evening_Pension5388 t1_j7hxiab wrote

I’m pretty positive that someone did voodoo on this Walmart parking lot. Unfortunately all the crashes won’t stop people from shopping there.


Moistpepper69 t1_j7hzc16 wrote

They have to get a new position at that walmart for someone to stay outside permanently helping people by directing traffic away from the sign.


geneticswag t1_j7hzpj2 wrote

Screw the super bowl pool... how many days til the next incident?


yupuhoh t1_j7i0trt wrote

Hit it pretty damn hard to move those barriers too. Like it's a fucking parking lot. Slow the hell down


stedrocklp t1_j7i0z42 wrote

This potentially needs its own website like the 11' 8" bridge. I mean really...


Ok-Marionberry1263 t1_j7i1p6r wrote

Now, do we count this? Because technically the SIGN wasn't hit, just the barrier


Maineguy58 t1_j7i2i0z wrote

Clearly built over a cursed burial ground.


xavyre t1_j7i4e3p wrote

All driving tests should have to be in that parking lot.


BOOSH207 t1_j7i57kg wrote

Hilarious. Too good to be true


DelcoInDaHouse t1_j7i649h wrote

Is there not enough turning radius especially with a vehicle coming the other way? If so, the stop sign should be moved further from the building.


jamilynnfitz t1_j7i6e1v wrote

That took less time than I thought it would.


dancingkittensupreme t1_j7i7du9 wrote

Why does this keep happening?? Do people not have eyes or is it a drug thing


kintokae t1_j7i8260 wrote

From the the compilation video I saw around Black Friday, it was at least 13. This time they used Jersey barriers and still managed to hit it. There going to be a roundabout put in soon.


[deleted] t1_j7i8hvt wrote

"Thot it wuz a snow bank... dammit!"


DidDunMegasploded t1_j7i92ae wrote

Less than a whole-ass week. Fucking madlads.

Cut corners, get fucked!


birdfriend206 t1_j7i9b1o wrote

The walmaht murdah pole has struck again Sharon


DonkeyKongsVet t1_j7i9y3s wrote

Maybe someday this pole will on its own take bad drivers off our roads. Then we can have reasonable auto insurance rates too.


Bazyli_Kajetan t1_j7ibsju wrote

Hey Siri, ask Spotify to play “one more time” by Daft Punk


Sophistrysapien247 t1_j7ibup9 wrote

Seriously out of the loop on this. Can someone fill in what's happening?


Bunnylazersbacon t1_j7ickkh wrote

My wife just said that there must be some form of hell mouth there we shouldn’t over look.


w1nn1ng1 t1_j7idf65 wrote

Honestly, at this point, anyone who hits this sign should immediately be forced to surrender their license.


sirgoofs t1_j7ii8so wrote

If only a thing existed that was concrete, about 6” tall, ran along the ground, and encircled the stop sign… like curbing.

They’ll figure it out sooner or later


FlyingUdonMonster t1_j7iibrd wrote

Nah, just let people keep running into it. It's doing the world a favor by at least temporarily taking people off the roads who probably shouldn't have driving licenses in the first place and giving wake-up calls to people who have just gotten careless.


sjm294 t1_j7iilwt wrote

OMG-this is awesome!


KeithMaine t1_j7ijaq4 wrote

Nooooooooo. This shit doesn’t stop. Fucking pole is gonna start bringing my insurance rates up. Fuck. This is crazy though. All of Maine knows about that terminator pole. I bet there’s a gravitational pull. Fucker sucks you in.


SunBlindFool t1_j7im396 wrote

They're going to have to hire someone to stand in front of it to stop people from hitting it. Although I pity the brave soul who risks their life for a stop sign.


Sophistrysapien247 t1_j7imbff wrote

People are so not self aware at all... but come on, where else are there barriers in the middle of am area like that


notawight t1_j7immdj wrote

Yeah - could be. I can't picture a lot of these parking lot poles, but I'm sure you're right.

This one, however, is clearly in a place that just lands in people's blind spots or something. This is like collision #27. I think we know this is a bad idea now, but they just keep rolling it back out hoping it won't happen again.


goldensurrender t1_j7in35m wrote

I think this must be some sort of Stargate and it's sucking people in


kidicarusx t1_j7ipkfy wrote

When do they decide to just remove the pole?


efferocytosis t1_j7iv682 wrote

Been around the world and found That only stupid people are breeding The cretins cloning and feeding


nhranger t1_j7ixjdi wrote

People are doing it on purpose now. 😂


sexquipoop69 t1_j7iz0un wrote

I should park my car there. Need the insurance money


ihearnosounds t1_j7j152k wrote

I’m not at all surprised. The quality of driving in the Lewiston/Auburn area has become something else.


lespritducellier t1_j7j1qwb wrote

I had the opportunity to visit the Auburn Walmart a couple of days ago and was somehow irrationally worried one of these poles would jump out in front of my car. Imagine my surprise to find they are wildly tall and have bright blinking stop signs on top of them, and these concrete barriers. They are far from invisible.


Commercial-Amount344 t1_j7jmj1n wrote

I was at Auburn Walmart last night. The stop signs all have red flashing lights highlighting them now.


Lindarial t1_j7k89n2 wrote

Well, they didn't hit the pole. 🤣


dancingkittensupreme t1_j7kahro wrote

Let's be real here, where else are there big posts sticking out of the middle of a usually drive able area


Clamgravy t1_j7kgysw wrote

Is this the guy who hit the sidewalk pothole?


Impressive-Stay-2618 t1_j7khotl wrote

Well I’ll be damned if this isn’t the makings of a new Steven King short story


beerbatteredarmchair t1_j7kph9s wrote

Whenever I've been at this Walmart I've parked well back from the store and walked so I've never hit this bollard myself. I now wonder how thoroughly I've taken my life into my hands by doing that. If every week someone hits that stationary and yellow pole how are pedestrians safe? I just don't go there now.


TheMrGUnit t1_j7l7z5b wrote

Yeah I don't think you could pay me enough to do that job. People don't see an 8ft tall flashing stop sign with a giant yellow pole, surrounded by concrete barriers. No way in hell will they spot a single person.


chiarascura88 t1_j7l86w6 wrote

Somebody needs to hurry up and call the Guinness book of records. There is no way a pole exists in the universe that is hit more often than this one.


draggar t1_j7ltojw wrote

Seriously, someone needs to set up a website for this.


After-Award-2636 t1_j7nml7e wrote

All bad drivers must make a pilgrimage to the auburn Walmart.