Submitted by bubbastars t3_10w0wg8 in Maine
bubbastars OP t1_j7kvc07 wrote
Reply to comment by TimothyOilypants in Roads of Maine by bubbastars
To be honest, because I'm just dipping my toes into GIS. It's not my strong suit. I built this using R and a package that queries OSM, since R is my forte and the package made the data easily accessible.
TimothyOilypants t1_j7kw7os wrote
If you haven't already give qGIS a look.
As you may already know, Maine has a pretty robust data catalogue. You can add REST connections directly in qGIS.
madarbrab t1_j7lic68 wrote
Where does a person get friends like you guys?
TimothyOilypants t1_j7lkvt7 wrote
Civilization. 😂🤣ðŸ˜
bubbastars OP t1_j7kxehv wrote
Would you mind pointing me to the roads dataset? The only ones I can find on there besides public projects (which doesn't have every road) are missing line features.
ppitm t1_j7my884 wrote
Look for the E911 dataset. That is the best source for roads.
bubbastars OP t1_j7nb6fa wrote
Just came back to this. Thank you - this thing is incredible!
otakugrey t1_j7o8aeg wrote
How did you make this?
TimothyOilypants t1_j7l0ixh wrote
I would suggest pulling the entire MaineDOT set, it has all the layers.
The specific layer is "MaineDOT Public Roads"
blackkristos t1_j7limov wrote
This thread is some wholesome shit. I love it.
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