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lipsticknic3 OP t1_j8yypvg wrote

Oh yes I definitely agree! I went to VIP bc I had just moved to a completely new region and realized one day my inspection sticker had been out for two months! With the move I had just forgotten about it. So I was just in a panic trying to get that resolved before I got pulled over.

I'm newer to this sub but I've seen a story or two, but that has been after this VIP nonsense. I came here to find out if anyone had good experiences with mechanics because while reviews are good, I felt like I wanted to reach out to the Maine Reddit hive mind to help me start. I've not yet needed work on my car and I've had it for 6 years. Just oil changes. I just want a tune up and basically pay an honest person for reassurance that yeah, little car is doing okay. Or if not, find out what's up before my engine just falls or something. I want a check up, pretty much.

And oof about the experience your mom had. She sounds like a pretty smart cookie. When I was talking to the VIP guy I was trying to ask like, hey how long do i have with this bad sticker? I really thought I failed bc he was so ambiguous and just tire pushing. I was not having it. I wish I recorded it though, in hindsight it was probably a pretty funny exchange and the looks on his face were priceless bc I think he thought I was messing with him when really i just wanted straight answers. Thank you