Submitted by lipsticknic3 t3_114mcgv in Maine

Hello. I'm a woman and honestly have been run over a few times. Haha when I first moved to outside of Bangor I went to VIP for an oil change and inspection. The guy kept telling me I needed new tires. And I tried asking about the laws, like can I get pulled over? How long until my sticker expires? He couldn't give me a straight answer it was weird.

After chatting with my now exbf, he was like yeah the guy was trying to deceive you into just buying the tires not giving you a straight answer etc. So I narrowly avoided being hoodwinked because my sticker did pass. The guy must have thought I was giving him the run around because I kept trying to ask did I fail or pass haha.

Now that story time is over, I'm looking for a decent mechanic that's not going to take advantage of the fact I'm a woman and over charge me or deceive me in some other way. I know that's crappy I need to say that but i must have gullible tattooed on my forehead, which I probably am. I am. Okay I'm gullible and it sucks lol.

So please, any recommendations you have near Newport for an old Honda. I'm thinking I at least need a tune up and I'm not sure if there's anything wrong with the car that I should be fixing and need to find someone trustworthy enough who can give me an honest opinion.

Thank you in advance.

Also appreciate your horror stories of who to stay away from, that's just as valuable

ETA Newport area, I typed many words but apparently left out location, good grief



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SirJoab t1_j8wtudb wrote

VIP tires did the same kind of thing to my wife, only every time we fixed something (ourselves) they "found" something new they could "fix" for her to pass inspection. I am also interested in finding an honest mechanic.... I just had to post to rant about VIP tires.. lol


lobstah t1_j8wuy9v wrote

We used to have good luck with Union St Automotive, but that was like 10 years ago when my wife worked in Bangor.


lipsticknic3 OP t1_j8x1l55 wrote

I wish I had recorded the conversation. It just went round and round because he wouldn't be straight with me about whether I passed or failed and I left thinking I failed haha. He looked so uneasy with my questioning, but he just wouldn't give any straight answers and kept upsetting $800 tires and pushing hard that he could get them there in 4 days if he placed an order now. Crazy!


ottobot76 t1_j8x1xv9 wrote

NEVER EVER EVER GO TO VIP for anything more complicated than an oil change. They are NOT mechanics. They are more likely vocational school dropouts. That means your car will be ruined by the time they're done. I learned about this the hard way after bringing my truck in for a simple CV joint swap. I had to sell it for parts immediately after because they wouldn't even make it right.


AbrasiveDad t1_j8x3vdn wrote

When I was dating my wife they tried the same thing to her.

Had windham location perform an inspection. They gave us a list. We had everything repaired on the list and brought it back within the month asking for a sticker. They said everything looked good....BUT there is this flex line going to a rear drum brake and that loop could be dangerous they proclaimed. This loop was about 3" in diameter. This was no where near kinked and it was exactly in this condition the first time they inspected it.

So now they want remove the line from where it connects to the drum so they can untwist the line and remove the loop. I said absolutely not. They insisted that it was a safety issue. I asked if it was a safety issue then why was it missed initially? I was then told different techs may catch different things. I asked who was preforming this inspection and they pointed the guy out. I said thats the same guy that did the first inspection.

Now a manager is involved and says its not safe but they will fix it and sticker the car at no charge for the day. I said as long as I don't pay for it and its stickered and fixed then fine. So I wait for an hour in their store before they come out with news. They now tell me that the casting where the flex line was threaded into broke when they tried to disassemble it. They said it was a $50 part to replace. I told the manager I wasn't paying. I told them before they tried taking it apart that I wasn't going to pay.

They tried to reason with me and say "it is an old part and it was going to break on whoever tried to take it apart next." I told them I understood that but they were the ones who insisted on fixing this "safety" issue that they "missed" in their initial inspection. I heavily insinuated that they were being predatory and another manager got involved and said they will take care of it no cost. He also apologized and offered me a free oil change next time.

After 4 hours at vip for them to re-inspect the car I finally left with a sticker and a bill of $0. Did I win? Fuck no but neither did they.


AbrasiveDad t1_j8x4nqk wrote

If they won't show you why or how it failed then never stop pushing. If they seem shady keep asking questions. Especially if they won't say whether it passed or failed. Also remember that if you pay for an inspection in Maine and it fails they have to give you a list of the items that failed. You have 30 days to fix those items and you can bring it back to the same place and they have to waive the inspection fee to check the work was completed.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j8x9su7 wrote

> appreciate your horror stories of who to stay away from

Well, VIP is one of them. They are absolutely notorious for scamming people out of money for bullshit repairs. My mother was a near-victim who didn't fall for any of it, and that was two decades ago. Many a story has been shared on this subreddit of people who got fucked over or nearly got fucked over by VIP.

You are far better off going to an independent mechanic, not a chain.


EngineerAugust t1_j8xvc1i wrote

I highly recommend Rose’s Garage in Corinth. They have done an overall great job with my 2012 Fusion. Do great alignments as well.


MegatonDeathclaws t1_j8ycq5e wrote

I’m sure everyone will recommend a bunch of places but M&M Auto in Winslow is the go to. Mike is the nicest guy and will not fuck you over. He told me once “I work hard for my money so I won’t screw people out of theirs”. I strongly recommend going to them.

Edit: I believe his labor rate is only $60hr

Double edit: I also run an old Honda and he is very good and helping you keep it legal for as cheap as possible.


ecco-domenica t1_j8ywca4 wrote

VIP is notorious for being a rip-off. Almost any independent garage will be better. I'm not in that area but others are chiming in with places for you to check out. There are many, many honest and helpful garages but it may be a bit of trial and error to find the one that's best for you. The main thing to look for is someone who will take the time to explain things to you and answer your questions and not make you feel dumb. These places do exist! And there are more of them now than when I first owned a car in the 1970s.

Don't be afraid to ask questions and say you have to think about it before you have work done. You don't have to understand every little detail but they should be able to give you a good, general idea of why they think work is needed. You can always go home and google what they said. The main difference I observe between men and women customers at garages (and in life) is that men ask all kinds of really stupid ass questions without hesitation or shame.

Edit: One thing you could do is check your owner's manual for the recommended maintenance schedule. It gives you an idea of what may be needed and a framework to talk about it with the garage and make a plan with them for what's needed now and what can be keep-an-eye on it status. You or the garage should be able to download it from the manufacturer if you don't have it. In my experience, the good ones are more than happy to do this with you.


lipsticknic3 OP t1_j8yxdj3 wrote

I love all of this. Plus, I definitely get intimated when I'm around men and I'm alone so I'm usually the shut up. I will definitely push myself to ask questions.

I have not yet needed a mechanic for anything serious for my car, and I just want to get her a little tune up. I hated the experience at VIP for my inspection. I just Googled it bc I had just moved out of the Bangor area. But the circle game that VIP guy was giving me was too much. Thank you


lipsticknic3 OP t1_j8yxlym wrote

That is awesome! Have you had anything done in 2022? I checked their reviews and it looks like most are pretty satisfied but some don't like the new management. They are definitely being considered and they sound great.

Also, the fact that if you break down they can come grab your car to bring back and fix?? That's invaluable to know of that service and thank you very much for putting them on my radar, they seem great!


lipsticknic3 OP t1_j8yypvg wrote

Oh yes I definitely agree! I went to VIP bc I had just moved to a completely new region and realized one day my inspection sticker had been out for two months! With the move I had just forgotten about it. So I was just in a panic trying to get that resolved before I got pulled over.

I'm newer to this sub but I've seen a story or two, but that has been after this VIP nonsense. I came here to find out if anyone had good experiences with mechanics because while reviews are good, I felt like I wanted to reach out to the Maine Reddit hive mind to help me start. I've not yet needed work on my car and I've had it for 6 years. Just oil changes. I just want a tune up and basically pay an honest person for reassurance that yeah, little car is doing okay. Or if not, find out what's up before my engine just falls or something. I want a check up, pretty much.

And oof about the experience your mom had. She sounds like a pretty smart cookie. When I was talking to the VIP guy I was trying to ask like, hey how long do i have with this bad sticker? I really thought I failed bc he was so ambiguous and just tire pushing. I was not having it. I wish I recorded it though, in hindsight it was probably a pretty funny exchange and the looks on his face were priceless bc I think he thought I was messing with him when really i just wanted straight answers. Thank you


lipsticknic3 OP t1_j8yzgks wrote

That is good to know! My driver's education was another state and some things I have sadly, had to learn as I go. First lesson- 6 or 7 years ago when I first got the car, it was my first vehicle in Maine. I had not had a vehicle for about 8 years by that point. So hurray! The day after I got it, some kid rear ended me. I got out and got the insurance. He asks if we should call the police and I was like nah, I don't see any reason to. He looks bewildered but all right. Haha Old Town police contacted me just to let me know I should be happy they didn't arrest me for leaving the scene of an accident? I was like, um, thank you Officer? It was weird. So I learned that in Maine, call the police every time! Glad the police did not arrest me for that. Phew. I have no idea how they even found out, maybe the kid's parents called them? Where I grew up it is very populated and unless you're also calling the ambulance, you don't call the police. Only if someone got hurt. They have better things to do there I guess.

Live and learn. Now have learned to hate VIP.


dahliarose926 t1_j8z7o2x wrote

Don't go to Prays in Newport. They try to scam women


GCkarj t1_j8zey7h wrote

My wife loves Bennet's auto on Thatcher. She has said several times she appreciates how they treat her and never feels ripped off.


Longjumping_West_907 t1_j8zjtqu wrote

VIP is the worst but plenty of other places will do the same thing. Sullivan Tire has a similar reputation. Some places pay a commission to the inspector for work generated by the inspection. So they get a bonus for finding problems with your car. Rowell's in Dover Foxcroft is a great place but a little far from Newport. You want to bring your car to a small independent shop, not a chain.


JamesBrownIT t1_j90m01a wrote

There aren’t any honest mechanics. The Honda dealer tells me I may need to fix some thing then the next year my car magically passes inspection. Every other time I go there it is something different.


mainemademess t1_j90w8xa wrote

VIP is such a scam for women. In 2010, I brought my mother’s 2008 Dodge Big Horn (huge, beautiful, top of the line truck with all the bells and whistles at the time) for a routine oil change. I was only 17-18 and they had given me their debit card to pay for it. Guy comes back from changing the oil, said I immediately need new tires. Like cannot leave VIP without them. Now I know that tires for that truck are NOT cheap and my parents would kill me for just approving something like that. “I’m just dropping it off for my mom, don’t do anything with the tires.” Guy immediately gets annoyed with me. “This tire is on rim and you can’t drive it out of here.” Now I know that this new truck has so many sensors on it that there’s absolutely no way I drove it ~10 miles on the rim without the dash screaming at me and lighting up like a Christmas tree. Not to mention, wouldn’t I feel it if I was driving this huge truck on a rim?? I tell him absolutely not, my dad will be here in 10 mins to drive it home so I don’t have to drive an ‘unsafe’ vehicle home. Clearly they could tell my dad was PISSED on the phone because the same VIP employee back tracks REAL quick and tells me that they were mistaken, it was a different truck in a different bay. Trying to swindle a fucking 17 year old into purchasing new tires for a truck that’s worth more than I’d make in the next 10 years. Bastards. And because I’m all about name and shame; VIP in Mexico, go fuck yourself.


MathematicianGlum880 t1_j92yvjw wrote

VIP is soooo bad, I had a Honda that they replaced the brakes and rotors , I said I want to see them. I took them to another place and asked if they look bad, he said no. I left and demanded my money back. That was 2007, Portland. Then when my mother passed in 2016, I got her car, Toyota. She always went there and did whatever they told her to do. So I went to the one in Gorham, it was fine, just needed an oil change. I drove home with a noise in the tire. My husband took the tire off and found a piece of foil jammed in the brake area. I was sooo pissed. Haven’t been back since. Our youngest took is 2017 Nissan to them last year in Biddo, they told him he needed $5000 worth of work. I said…don’t move dad and I are on our way. (My step father knew his shit when it came to cars and raised me the same way). We went down and I told them, give me the car…we are leaving. Took it to a friend of our oldest and he fixed it for a fraction of the cost.

However, it is very hard to find someone who won’t screw you over. Sullivan Tire is the same way…


eljefino t1_j94bobn wrote

They don't have to waive the fee, it's just standard practice.

FWIW "The sticker station", another scam, charges for re-tests. It's legal but they have a sign (with the seal of the State of Maine) insinuating all shops charge for re-test.


eljefino t1_j94c3an wrote

Here's a copy of the rules. If you have it on your phone it's searchable by text, so if someone says you need "Ball joints" and you wonder, what's a ball joint, you can search the pdf right there in the store and see if they're legit or not.

Some common misconceptions:

Not all oil leaks fail inspection. They only do if if it leaks “petroleum” fluid in an amount or in such a location as to constitute a fire hazard.

Not all rust holes fail inspection. They only do if the hole could allow exhaust fumes into the passenger compartment, or if a fender doesn't "fender" properly. You can have a hole in a pickup truck bed.

The contact info for the state police is on the cover of the book. Get, in writing, the list of stuff you fail for and feel free to give them a ring if you feel like something's up.


FITM-K t1_j96aszh wrote

VIP are equal opportunity scammers, it's not just women. A while back the Belfast one tried to tell my brother he needed a repair of over $1k. He didn't trust them and took it to a reliable place for a second opinion — not only were they totally lying about that repair, they also totally missed a dangerous frame rust issue (which was free to fix, covered by a Toyota recall).

So, they made up a repair he DIDN'T need and missed a dangerous issue he did need fixed.

No one from my family has been there since, but based on the stories I see in this subreddit every time VIP comes up, they haven't changed anything about the way they do business.