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MrsMurphysChowder t1_j7uwu4l wrote

Well, agreed. But if he already had the dogs before he was disabled I can see that it would be hard to part with them. I mean he could be lying completely and not be disabled and not really think his dogs are his babies, or he could have just fallen into an unmanageable situation and feel unable to ask for help.


IamSauerKraut t1_j7uxzef wrote

Whatever his situation, John Ames failed in his duties to his dogs during incredibly low temperatures. He could ask for help, sure, but a 2ndary issue here, as I see it, is the failure of town employees to do their jobs.


MrsMurphysChowder t1_j7uyqv8 wrote

I agree that everyone, including the owner, the town officials, the SPCA, the reporter, and PETA, have all failed these dogs. Just trying to see a way forward that gets the owner invested in change rather than getting his back up.