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MrLeeman123 t1_j9z2ogs wrote

Lol honestly good comeback. Still I think that’s the big difference between people like you and me. If someone told me that I wouldn’t even give it a second thought. What they do with themselves holds zero influence over my own life. I only spend time thinking about things that impact me directly.


eliot_cutler t1_j9z4a0k wrote

That’s very noble of you. Honestly, there’s no word in English that would describe your nobility, but I think the Spanish say ‘impressivo’.


MrLeeman123 t1_j9z7ec5 wrote

Awww man my guy you did so good on the first one and then resorted to sarcasm for the second comeback. Sorry if we’re exhausting your mental capacity to retort after only a couple exchanges!

And you misconstrue. I am far from noble. I’m just an asshole who only cares about myself and if someone does something that doesn’t affect me I couldn’t give fewer shits. Still I hope you can find peace my friend. Life’s hard when you live so bitterly 🖤


eliot_cutler t1_j9z96tc wrote

Always nice to give you a platform to show off. I really hope you will accept me and be friendly towards me in the future.
