MosskeepForest t1_j9z2wiz wrote
Reply to comment by eliot_cutler in Transgender teacher dismissed for sharing inappropriate TikTok videos with Maine middle school students by jaypr4576
>You talking like that, ironically, probably causes more of them to happen
Typically the extremist shootings are BY FAR by right wingers going to gay clubs or black churches or jewish buildings. That's why your type of people are so dangerous to society.... because you see minorities existing as some sort of threat.
And then push endless propaganda to try and create more and more hostile environments (complete with countless murders) until you can ramp up government action (like they are doing across the country with various anti-trans bills right now).
It's the definition of fascism. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THE NAZI DID WITH GAY PEOPLE. The "gay people are a threat to your children" IS EXACTLY WHAT THE NAZI DID.
.... you understand we fought a war against Nazis right? And then after the war, we killed the ones who lead the hate campaign and murder campaigns right?
Traitors in this country who keep creating hate towards minorities have no sympathy from me. I think they should be treated as traitors to the country for what they do.
eliot_cutler t1_j9z5r2l wrote
You remind me of that woman who was yelling into the sky after trump was elected. You seem more interested in demonstrating how right you are than any sort of discussion. So I’ll just say - if I told you I was feeling weird today and decided to cut off my penis I imagine most people would be concerned. You can figure out the rest, haha. It’s so weird you people leave cities and expect everyone to agree with you the same way.
MosskeepForest t1_j9z90jh wrote
>You seem more interested in demonstrating how right you are than any sort of discussion.
What discussion? There is no discussion here. Just fascists trying to create hate towards trans people with propaganda pieces. A climate that they have cultivated for the last 5 or so years heavily....
You think I should be sitting down and having a "discussion" with fucking Nazis who want to just murder minorities?
You don't seem to quite grasp how a "discussion" with a Nazi works. I'm a traditional person, I believe we should handle Nazis like Nazis.
Again, we fought a war against this type of shit. Their ideology needs to be stamped out from the face of this earth and never allowed to fester and destroy a society again.
That's why these fucking fascists are traitors. They are randomly trying to create more hate towards another minority group. Hate towards their fellow Americans just living their lives. It should be illegal, it should be punished.
DISCUSSION? No, there is no discussion about that. There is just condemnation for what they are trying to do.
eliot_cutler t1_j9zaq7c wrote
“#fcknzs” haha
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