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hike_me t1_jacbxoa wrote

Every few years some dumbass goes out and adds their own blazes to some trails in Acadia. Last time I remember it happening they at least tried to somewhat match the blue used by Acadia. I don’t get it though, do they think they’re helping or something? It’s not like it’s random graffiti tags. In this picture you can see one of the Bates Cairns (which they also defaced with red paint) so it’s not like the trail is poorly marked.


raynedanser t1_jacg4n0 wrote

Hogan Road Burger King has entered the chat.


teeceeinthewoods t1_jactphp wrote

It's probably the same idiots standing up for the environment by throwing oil on the road.


tossaway69420lol t1_jacw16l wrote

Anyone who vandalizes beautiful Acadia National Park can burn in hell. Ayup


PlentyCommission166 t1_jad7ldu wrote

I'd be scared to do this. NPS can plop a camouflage trail cam anywhere they want.


ASeluke87 t1_jae3pvt wrote

Since the current CEO didn't work for the city of Bangor 25 years ago, you may want to re-up your inquiry. And be nice. The current one is a super nice guy and would probably be very open and willing to tell you about that property.


MrLeeman123 t1_jae3yi8 wrote

Why the fuck can’t people just respect nature?? What the hell is wrong with people like this??


Yourbubblestink t1_jae63wg wrote

Lol He was trained by the last one. Also, since we are it What’s up with the Norbert x dowd buildings and the rabbis place in State street? Both have been rotting in place in downtown Bangor for decades.

Code enforcement in this town is a joke


hike_me t1_jae8uq7 wrote

I’m a local.

I’m not sure I’d call it thrive. Every year more and more houses get turned into AirBnBs and there are fewer and fewer families here. Non-tourism businesses like the Jackson laboratory and the MDI hospital now have to get into the real estate business so they can provide housing for new employees. The amount of tourists we have now is suffocating but certain business owners in town fight anything that might promote anything other than seasonal tourism.

I definitely don’t hate tourists. They make the town more interesting and vibrant in the summer. However, it’s gotten completely out of hand (and the rise of AirBnB and similar services that make single family homes profitable investments for short term tourist housing is really fucking over the town).


bradwiser t1_jae9gcs wrote

Thanks you for the insight I’m not a fan of the summer tourist season I try to get my hiking and whatnot early and later in the season to avoid the whole mess. I thought they provided a lot more to the town but it sounds like I was mistaken


Yourbubblestink t1_jaeo568 wrote

Yeah, it went something like this. Hi Bangor code enforcement officer, there’s a falling down building near my house that’s been that way for nearly 20 years. I’m wondering if the city is going to take any action because it doesn’t seem safe.


FireNateMcMillianPlz t1_jaf1cnk wrote

but on the other hand most families (including mine) who live in bar harbor, can’t afford to live there without renting out part of their property. it’s honestly a revolving door of shit but blaming local families for getting involved in AirBnB isn’t doing much dawg


hike_me t1_jaf45fk wrote

If so many people weren’t buying up properties to AirBnB prices wouldn’t be as high in the first place.

Building an ADU on your property to AirBnB is cool. Outbidding a family that needs housing, or kicking out your long term tenants so you can AirBnB is not cool.

I have a friend that built a nice studio apartment over his garage to AirBnB. That’s not hurting anyone. I know other people that bought up multiple properties that had long term tenants and kicked them all out to make room for tourists. That’s an asshole move.