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TarantinoFan23 OP t1_j8dda3k wrote

Solar doesnt put a huge blanket of poison in the environment. Oil does. We need to grow trees and shink consumption.


Toibreaker t1_j8dkpt9 wrote

Actually it does, the equipment used to mine the minerals necessary to manufacture industrial sized panels burn on average 1800 gallons of diesel an hour, EACH. Then there are the plastics used in those same panels, made out of oil/petroleum, then there is the thousands of acres of woodlands that will be cut down to create a solar “farm” Add into all of that the electricity used to manufacture everything and that’s even more fossil fuels that are burnt. So yes solar power does burn fossil fuels and contributes to the exact pollution you’re talking about. When green or alternative energy sources are readily available and economical to replace fossil fuels or should we ever actually reach the point where cold fusion is possible than absolutely replace fossil fuels but right now fossil fuels are the cheapest and best method to power our electrical grid and daily lives.