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Norgyort OP t1_j898dv6 wrote

Reply to comment by TonyClifton86 in Dogs in grocery stores. by Norgyort

> Also leave the dog in the car with heater or AC with out the car on??? Yeah sounds super safe & not a reality.

The car would be left on to power the heater or AC unit. And it is quite safe, remote starters for preheating/cooling cars have been a thing for a very long time.

> The dog isn’t touching anything except the floor with his paws / the same as a person with their feet/ shoes.

The dog sheds and hair gets everywhere.


TonyClifton86 t1_j898s58 wrote

You will never change my mind on this thread. I don’t care if there are dogs with every single customer in the store. Also I would never leave my dog alone in a car that was running in any way shape or form. So many things could happen to them the car or others in a blink of an eye. Too many variables. And you don’t think people shed? Hahahhhaha they do. Hair gets everywhere. Plus skin.


Norgyort OP t1_j899xk5 wrote

> I don’t care if there are dogs with every single customer in the store.

It's not about you, try having some empathy for other people.


TonyClifton86 t1_j89dlh6 wrote

The same could be said about you. Try having some empathy for people who need their dogs with them at that time. Grocery shopping is stressful for some. Or they don’t have a place to keep their dog or it is their choice not any other reason. Your germ / shedding argument holds no weight. Your talked about allergies nope not valid argument. Safety could have been a concern but I have seen crazy people & kids at a grocery store & so nope that isn’t a valid argument. The only valid argument you could come up with is your don’t like it. I said I don’t mind & you turned it around like I’m the one with out any empathy… look in the mirror. Also I will go out on a limb & guess you are a control freak who doesn’t like dogs. Just by how you responded to me, I can tell you have to be heard & prove your point. And secondly who doesn’t love seeing a dog someplace, who? People who don’t like dogs like you. Dogs are not the issue. It is you.


SarahDrish t1_j89y410 wrote

>Try having some empathy for people who need their dogs with them at that time . Grocery shopping is stressful for some. Or they don’t have a place to keep their dog or it is their choice not any other reason.

With the exception of the blind, people do not need their dogs with them all the time, and anyone who can't shop for groceries without their damned dog should be under the supervision of a mental health professional.

In addition to biting, dogs can transmit all sorts of bacteria to humans via their urine, crap, saliva, etc., particularly children, and such bacteria can result in blindness in children, the amputation of limbs and death. If you want to wallow around with dogs at home, that's your prerogative, but don't force your filthy beast on others!


TonyClifton86 t1_j89yh97 wrote

😂😂😂😂😂 yes. Your post shows so much empathy for people with PTSD or other disabilities that dogs are used to help treat. I would rather wallow amongst dogs than the likes of you. I can tell you that.


Norgyort OP t1_j8acu0k wrote

What about people with PTSD from dog attacks?


Norgyort OP t1_j89gdk6 wrote

> The same could be said about you. Try having some empathy for people who need their dogs with them at that time.

In my OP I said service dogs are fine, so no the same cannot be said about me.


Lieutenant_Joe t1_j89lf1w wrote

If service dogs are fine, then why do you keep bringing up that people are allergic to dogs like it’s a valid reason to keep them out of stores? It’s not like being a service dog makes you stop spreading allergens.


Norgyort OP t1_j89w62a wrote

Because service dogs are trained not to jump on people and interact with anything else in the store. Untrained dogs are far more likely to be jumping on or licking things/people.


TonyClifton86 t1_j8aiqv3 wrote

You have no idea of the level a dog may or may not have.. no more than I can tell how your kid is gonna act in the store. Kids are way worse because at least most dog owners keep their dogs on a leash for their safety & others, the same can not be said about children & they have hands unlike dogs.


TonyClifton86 t1_j89lnr7 wrote

Again I stand by my opinion and assessment of your personality & dislike for dogs.


SarahDrish t1_j89yha0 wrote

>Again I stand by my opinion and assessment of your personality & dislike for dogs.

Liking dogs isn't a requirement for living, working and shopping in this country. People are free to like or dislike whatever they choose. How would you feel if people started walking around in stores with snakes hung around their necks or tarantulas on their shoulders?
