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DidDunMegasploded t1_j8dj3ss wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Dogs in grocery stores. by Norgyort

> Conceited much? Do you really think anyone reads and remembers the crap you say to other people? I don't read half what you say to me!

Says the one who pulled a "don't you know who I am" on me just a couple comments ago? Like I'm expected to know who you are? Like it's law?

If you don't read half of what you say to me, then that confirms all my suspicions about you and tells me all I need to know about my question of "why is this person drawing out this argument they'll probably laugh about in a decade or so from now?"

Really, what is your endgame here? Are you trying to spoonfeed me r/dogfree philosophy in the hopes I'll become anti-dog or something? I'm genuinely curious.

> Are you for real? A lot of people panicked, including those employed by the CDC. And not only did the family who adopted the fleabag panic, they had to take the rabies shots and said they would never, ever adopt another dog. Everyone who cane into contact with the diseased mutt had to take the shots and when it happened, some rescue workers refused to interact with animals from other countries.

Where does it say they wouldn't adopt another dog in the Forbes article? Or in the two articles within that article? That sounds more like "If I were in this person's shoes..." to me.

In addition, where does it say rescue workers refused to interact with animals that came from other countries in any of those three articles?

> What's with the repetition and italics? Repealing breed-specific laws allows pit bulls and other dangerous dogs in communities where most people do not want them, and no-kill shelters is flooding the country with dangerous dogs. Numerous people have been attacked by newly-adopted fleabags, and some have been killed.

Well now I have confirmation that you're of the "every dog is disgusting and I wish them all a very get fucked and die" variety. So thank you. I wasn't quite sure. I had just a tiny sliver of hope that was mercilessly shot and left to die.

The use of "fleabag" says a lot on its own, as well--it's like "crotch goblin" but for dogs--but still.

Not every dog in a no-kill shelter is dangerous, and I can attest to that with personal experience. Similarly, the only "breed-specific" law that has ever been passed in the United States is for pitbulls. No other dog that, say, is ranked on a list of most aggressive breeds--just. Pitbulls. That's why people involved in dog owner culture give said laws such grief when they are enacted: because they view it as discriminatory. Ban one (supposedly) aggressive breed, you have to ban the rest of 'em, or ban any dog that bites a person even if it's just a nip of the finger, etcetera.


[deleted] t1_j8dm0v1 wrote



DidDunMegasploded t1_j8dpqva wrote

> You're a bold-faced liar! I said, "... if you don't even know whom you're addressing, no one can trust anything you say." If you weren't a total dunce, you would know I was referring to your confusing Yourbubblestink and me.

And again, I will ask: how was I supposed to know that? You act like we share a brain when we most certainly do not. Likewise, you also act like YBS and you both share a brain when I'm 95% sure you two are completely different people--he hasn't said a thing about being confused as to whom I'm addressing. You have. He has not. Why are you speaking on his behalf?

I know whom I'm addressing. I spent all of one millisecond looking at your username. And I know the usernames of a lot of regulars of this subreddit. YBS is one of them.

> It says I despise dogs. With the exception of working animals, dogs today are superfluous. In addition to being of no use whatsoever, they are the serial killers and mass murderers of the animal kingdom because they chase down and kill livestock and wildlife animals purely for sport. But their destructiveness doesn't stop there: dog waste destroys grass and everything else it touches, then washes into bodies of water and destroys marine life.

The serial killers and the mass murderers of the entire animal kingdom? Oh God...I feel ashamed to say this got me because I'm a big sucker for stupidity as a form of comedy, but that's just absurd. Nearly busted a lung with that one!

There are many animals that are far higher up in the food chain than dogs. Many who would kill and eat dogs if given the chance. Sure, the problems you mentioned are an issue, but there are animals in the world that are far more of a threat that people are more concerned about than an animal that is generally friendly and is often kept as a pet because that's how history and evolution works. You're making Mount Everest out of a molehill.