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Steel-kilt t1_j97qgy2 wrote

ISO rock climbing guides. I’ll be staying in the Trickey Pond/ Naples area this summer, but don’t mind a bit of a drive to get to good rock. Any recommendations?


Buckscience t1_jaap2l2 wrote

There are reportedly some decent climbs in the Sumner/Peru area, according to my BiL, who is into that kind of thing.


hike_me t1_jab63fo wrote

If you’re in Naples I’d probably book someone out of North Conway. Plenty of options there.


Steel-kilt t1_jadyyst wrote

Thank you. I’ll do a search for North Conway. I’d welcome any recommendations.


likes_sawz t1_jaellvg wrote

Can't help with a specific recommendation for rock cllimbing but if you're staying near Trickey Pond it's a shorter drive up 302 to North Conway than it is to Sumner, even further to Peru.