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andsendunits t1_j92l05e wrote

I'd love to check this out, but I have zero reason to visit Auburn, besides this pole.


SummerBirdsong t1_j92s1yh wrote

What more reason do you need. Auburn for The Pole and Bangor for the Duck of Justice.


andsendunits t1_j94yfea wrote

I live in Bangor, and had no idea that I could in fact visit the Duck.


SummerBirdsong t1_j95ysrj wrote

Yep. Folk stop by from all over the country to have their picture taken with the Duck.


iamthefluffyyeti t1_j93u9xa wrote

The Moxie festival, duh.

Edit: and also this pole


andsendunits t1_j94yrkb wrote

Technically, I could still ignore the pole since the festival is in Lisbon. Though I would have to check out L/A after thinking a bit. A buddy of mine from college grew up in Lewiston and it is a must see because of that.


iamthefluffyyeti t1_j98a369 wrote

Yeah my grandparents help coordinate a lot of everything. If you like moxie, you should definitely go


Alternative_Sort_404 t1_j9hkclx wrote

Rumor has it there will be a new Luchador Taco location in Auburn soon… that will totally be worth it