Submitted by Snapshadilou t3_11c2a4i in MechanicalKeyboards
Snapshadilou OP t1_ja29sn0 wrote
Reply to comment by Red_Zechs in My current daily. Thinking of getting new caps for 2023. No idea on the aesthetic tho haha by Snapshadilou
lol its cool. I was in the "experimenting" phase and exploring different keycaps. This build is just a mish mash of different Keycap sets I had. I got the Artisans cause I dont consistently use that side of the keyboard so figured id put something else there and the creaters were starting out and these were their earlier creations so I decided to support them. I kinda like the touch of gold flakes in one of the koi caps haha.
As for the metal keycaps, it appears theyre showing wear and tear now so im looking to replace them. Maybe change it to silver instead. Haha i guess as a person whos constantly online and worked as a social media specialist in my former BPO workplaces where they cheaped out on keyboards, my fingers are able to adapt haha, for the TAB, CAPS, SHIFT etc keys, i used an old "nintendo" cap set since when im gaming i tend to aggressively press on certain buttons thats why the frankenstein build haha. Right now my challenge is finding a Spacebar and Enter key I like because usually the spacebars that come with the sets I buy dont look that great.
Ive actually been eyeing a LOTR inspired keycap set in Dwarvish design so im currently searching for a less expensive option for that locally. Figured its time to finally have one aesthetic for my keyboard (aside from the "gaming" buttons of course :)). Im also thinking of getting another keyboard but this time with the F1 button rows because some games use that specific row and the finger yoga I have to do to activate them gets tiresome :)) Royal Kludge so far seems like an okay brand for me since this one is a RK and its my first keyboard.
Red_Zechs t1_ja2ap16 wrote
I loathe f rows 😅 I prefer compact keyboards but if you are refering to the LOTR set on don't cheap out it's worth the money to get it directly from them. My ex bf had the elvish set and it was so much prettier in person than I thought it would be, call it more of an investment and you can just shine the metal keycaps cause theyd go well with the dwarven aesthetic. As for the spacebar and enter keys you can try Thok keycaps if you're willing to dish out the money they have beautiful metal keycaps, if not can always use Etsy until you find something of better quality.
If you want some inspiration check out Alexotos on YouTube he's my biggest inspiration in this hobby despite us having clashing aesthetics. He builds a variety of keyboards so you'd be able to get a general idea of what you're looking for and might even find something a little more unique to seperate you from your friends and give you more a 1of1 feeling.
Snapshadilou OP t1_ja2beq7 wrote
Hmmm it is a bit pricey so it could be a while for me to save up for them (I live in the Philippines and yeah, international shopping brings as much pain as pleasure haha) Had a bit of a impulse buy moment and bought a "watercolor" cap set. Figured it was right for a "restart" on customizing my keyboard
Ill check him out. I am the type that loves customizing my things to make it feel like it truly is mine :)) Im a sucker for games that give a huge number to endless customization options hehe.
Red_Zechs t1_ja2blk9 wrote
We have that in common 😅
Snapshadilou OP t1_ja2cbe9 wrote
lol. When I first got this keyboard, I didnt think Id end up constantly changing my Keys so quickly :)). Im glad I got the right switches the first time (went with the Browns since its not too loud and not too silent. Just in the riiight spot in the middle) Was originally gonna go for a Cyberpunk Set but changed my mind before I hit buy. Wasn't really feeling the spacebar and enter keys.
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