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quintusthorn t1_j7qg6yq wrote

I lubed a switch today, to see if I still feel...


nola78 t1_j7qn0se wrote

This one hit different


Verycute93 t1_j7qswlo wrote

Buying a switch to see if the switch inside you still works. Truly poetic.


Comfortable_Mango_11 t1_j7r1052 wrote

As NWA once said, back in their bad old days, "Switches. Good for nuttin'!"

(It's possible I misheard it.)


cmhamill t1_j7r2a7n wrote

This is much funnier if you assume they’re just ordering miscellaneous toggle switches.


CoreyH144 t1_j7r7s0x wrote

Some crispy font rendering you’ve got there. What is that?


MrEnganche t1_j7rx8eh wrote

7000 miles!? Imagine the carbon emissions!


thunder2132 t1_j7rzxwn wrote

I feel the same way about ordering socks from Amazon. They're working real hard to deliver a couple of pieces of cotton within Prime shipping times.


Vosska t1_j7sbx0n wrote

When I first read that my brain saw sandwiches, not switches lmao.


M1ken1ke66 t1_j7sfp8x wrote

Me working 40 hours at a job that treats me like shit so i can order another aluminum rectangle


DaveTheDolphin t1_j7so2jw wrote

This is me, waiting for some new switches to come in even though I’m perfectly happy with the 3 different switches I already have


spacespiceboi t1_j7tlaxz wrote

Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.


Rigatavr t1_j7tpnkk wrote

I read this as "little plastic sandwiches" it still sort of makes sense.


Blueprint81 t1_j7uxonm wrote

I saw a quote once and I'll butcher it now... -you click 'buy now' and it begins this Rube-Goldberg machine of misery, slave labor like conditions to support the logistics needed to get you that toilet bowl cleaner from Bangalore to Sioux Falls in 48hrs...