Submitted by ArcanaSilva t3_116agl3 in MechanicalKeyboards

UPDATE: Hi r/MechanicalKeyboards! First, thank you all for your overwhelming responses. This post got a loooot more attention than I expected. Secondly, Kono emailed me last night. I do not live in the USA, so it arrived in my inbox around 2am. This morning I read and replied, so hopefully it's all resolved soon! They offered me either a refund or a replacement. Due to my previous experiences, I've decided to go for the refund. Their explanation mostly was based around them not being able to influence what the courier does. So, I'm somewhat positive I'll get my refund, and this was a little less expensive lesson learned.
Also, thanks a lot for the kind Redittor who doesn't use their ErgoDox and offered that I could take it over from them! Y'all are a very kind community

Hi r/MechanicalKeyboards! I was adviced to get a mechanical keyboard, but didn't do my due deligence, and now... I'm out of a lot of money. And still typing on my laptop keyboard, which is probably worse!

In January 2022, I entered the group buy for the ErgoDox 76 "Hot Dox" V2 Mechanical Keyboard. Order confirmed, and at the end of June it got shipped to me. It just... never arrived. UPS tried to deliver, and at my absence, brought it to a postal pick-up point. Where it was "returned to sender" within 12 hours. Also, they delivered it at a moment the pick-up point was closed, so that's interesting.

I called UPS, UPS contacted them, and someone called Rena send me a message that it was lost and to contact UPS. Which I did. Again. So I e-mailed them after with the information I got. The e-mail I send at the end of June was as following:

>Hi Rena,
>I contacted UPS today after trying earlier, and the package seems to be lost. They need your permission to start an investigation. If possibly, could you contact the American branch of UPS to set this into motion? I'd love to receive my package as soon as possible, hopefully in this way it's still possible.
>Kind regards,


Rena told me she'd contact the transportation team and send me an e-mail as soon as she had another update. My patience ran out at the end of August, about a month later, and I e-mailed her again.

Hi Rena,

>It has been a while since I heard from you, so I wondered if you had any updates for me in regards to my order. Thanks in advance!
>Kind regards,

Rena answered she didn't have an update yet (which can happen of course, just some information would've been nice, and the information was almost exactly the same as the information in the other answer. This time I waited for a bit longer, also due to personal circumstances, but at the end of November (two months since I'd heard from her!) it had ran out again and I e-mailed her, yet again.

>Hi Rena,
>It is been a while since I heard from you. Since there has been no response yet, I figure that my package has not been traced. I would like to hear from you what other options for compensation you could offer.
>Kind regards,

Of course, no answer ever came. I tried again two weeks later around 15 November, then to customer service another two weeks later and around 15 December a second e-mail, all various itterations on the theme of "please respond and/or refund my money, please". The last one I send at 13 January, stating:

>Dear reader,
>Another year, another email. I would kindly request an update on my package with order number #73866. It has been about six months since I should have received my package and about three months since my last contact with you. If I do not get a response, I will assume this company to be a scam and act accordingly.
>Kind regards,

I bought it with PayPal, but it's not possible anymore to issue a refund, I guess due to the time that's passed? UPS is useless as well, they cannot tell me anything unless the sender takes action. And the sender set up either an elaborate scam, or ignores customers completely. Neither of which is... very pretty.

Y'all might have way more experience with this than I have. Is there anything I can do to either receive my keyboard or get a refund on my money? Because it doesn't seem like Kono is capable of responding in any way.



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