Submitted by PilotFlo t3_127gvvu in MechanicalKeyboards
mc_nogin_7000 t1_jeeb8gl wrote
I need that on my car. Is there a template I can use to make one using a Cricut machine or perhaps buy one?
xriqq t1_jeebsxj wrote
ich sollte mir auch hinten so einen sticker drauftun 😂
karokiyu t1_jeedsqe wrote
grav3d1gger t1_jeee5p9 wrote
Some say if he wasn't into mechs he'd be driving an Audi instead of a Skoda. Some say.
HaYaBuSa82 t1_jeeedph wrote
Still searching in Germany to spot somebody with it.
mc_nogin_7000 t1_jeefkdq wrote
Thank you. :-)
PilotFlo OP t1_jeefy47 wrote
Hab ich mir auch schon so oft gedacht 🤣
PilotFlo OP t1_jeeg2qz wrote
10/10 😂😂😂
jh_2719 t1_jeehmn1 wrote
At least they're still driving the reliable one then.
ShaakCealumire t1_jeeiphu wrote
Kreis Baden und elektrisch am fahren, King
Douggie t1_jeej2x1 wrote
I had to follow to arrow to see what you meant
CaunArachas t1_jeek6gn wrote
Heck, where does one get one of these stickers?
idlehum t1_jeek9o8 wrote
tobimai t1_jeem4rd wrote
Enyaq schon n anständiges Auto
[deleted] t1_jeeokdj wrote
markus_zgast t1_jeep09e wrote
Ein niederösterreichischer Blau enjoyer hahaha
5381 t1_jeep3p2 wrote
Einer scho, oder?
5381 t1_jeep79a wrote
Ich sag imma Reddit is ein Dorf!
azylent t1_jeeq8el wrote
Karukos t1_jeeq9wh wrote
Ehrlich gesagt, immer überraschend wie viele Österreicher auf Reddit sind. Einfach proportional... die chance jemanden von der Nachbarortschaft auf irgendan sub zu finden is schon hoch.
user__3 t1_jeer5s3 wrote
I'll be honest, I sat here looking for 10 minutes at what the arrow was pointing at wondering what this post was about, then I saw the sticker
mika5555 t1_jeergx8 wrote
you guys have cars?
AfonsoFGarcia t1_jeeurza wrote
The Stig is into mechanical keyboards?! :o
goerben t1_jeevijk wrote
MARKO SWITCH??? oh nevermind
danieldhdds t1_jeevken wrote
wrong sub, MK = Mortal Kombat
GoodCombine t1_jeewnfb wrote
š k
kakachuka t1_jeex2zd wrote
Also. Nice car. Love the Enyaq. Way more beautiful than the ID.4
Loud_Yogurtcloset_82 t1_jeexq9a wrote
Eyyyy ähnliche Gegend :D
stormythecatxoxo t1_jeezioi wrote
Ich sag auch mal Servus!
dinosaurpoetry t1_jef4xvt wrote
I did not expect to see some fellow austrians who are also keeb enthusiasts
Mindcomputing t1_jef58rl wrote
Umlaute klackern
ChibbleChobbles t1_jef6zde wrote
Is this the guy? me no speaky German
-PrimalAspid- t1_jef7hj2 wrote
ich bin deutsch, zählt das?
PilotFlo OP t1_jef8qgm wrote
Actually it’s a road sign in Austria 😁
meister_propp t1_jef8urv wrote
Nah, he said: "I always say that Reddit is a village."
PilotFlo OP t1_jef90gq wrote
PilotFlo OP t1_jef92up wrote
Jup ein einziger 😂🥴
PilotFlo OP t1_jef97r4 wrote
I was just as amazed as you are!
PilotFlo OP t1_jef9afx wrote
Richtig und wichtig!
edfreitag t1_jefgicp wrote
There are dozens of us, dozens!
edfreitag t1_jefgkza wrote
Jordan209posts t1_jefi32l wrote
Plot twist: They meant r/membranekeyboards
DatAssociate t1_jefi9s8 wrote
marko switch
raptor102888 t1_jefie65 wrote
What does it mean?
GroupVast7736 t1_jefkf0f wrote
"Drive on this Road" its there to prevent you from driving into the other lane
Gimly t1_jefkr3h wrote
Means you have to pass the thing it is on on the right (direction of the arrow)
Enter_shiitake t1_jefkt3q wrote
I would get one of these, but I don't want people to know I go on Reddit.
SONSOFROANAPUR t1_jeflg6r wrote
Where could i find the sticker to put it on my car
OfTheWild t1_jeflr3s wrote
OfTheWild t1_jeflxqu wrote
Love it! Congrats to u/PilotFlo for spotting someone out there in the wild. I'll be sure to send you a coupon code for a free sticker from Thanks for playing!
DaddyFigured t1_jefmhxy wrote
Took a minute to key in to the focus, eh?
BaronKrause t1_jefndfc wrote
It’s obviously a “You are here” arrow.
raptor102888 t1_jefnx5g wrote's in a parking space though? Or am I interpreting the photo incorrectly?
[deleted] t1_jefnx7l wrote
raptor102888 t1_jefnxdx wrote's in a parking space though? Or am I interpreting the photo incorrectly?
MethyIphenidat t1_jefo3rk wrote
ISO Gang checkt ein
nailuj t1_jefofr6 wrote
Left of that sign is the opposite traffic lane
ThePointForward t1_jefsm3b wrote
No, it's a T shaped intersection with a grass median and a asphalted bit for pedestrians to cross the street, although it's not an official crossing.
Specifically it's this intersection:,16.2884052,122m/data=!3m1!1e3
HiImFrednes t1_jefsu16 wrote
Either a roundabout? Or a „T“ cross? Well I don’t know how to name in it in English but it just means that you have to go on the right side of the „island“ and not on the left :S
raptor102888 t1_jefugfl wrote
Ohhh ok. Couldn't tell from the photo.
JohannesVanDerWhales t1_jefuv52 wrote
Is Enyaq a new layout?
PilotFlo OP t1_jefwh20 wrote
Omg thank you so much I didn’t expect that 🤩🥹
yxmal t1_jefyi5c wrote
I read makroswitch on the building. Took a few minutes to realize..
Motor_Register6737 t1_jeg1q3x wrote
Just bought one today 😄 great car
SlashdotDiggReddit t1_jeg3hjm wrote
We're everywhere, come ... join us. 🧟
Mindcomputing t1_jeg4qoq wrote
ẞ Ö ä ü Was ist diese
Geralt_De_Rivia t1_jeg59hb wrote
I’m the whole EU for sure. It’s “Paso obligatorio” (R-401) in Spain.
CodeGroundbreaking44 t1_jeg9tgx wrote
I like to believe everytime someone posts this, they become best friends for life xD
toxicpaulution t1_jegfy6d wrote
I need to get one for my car!
DidiHD t1_jegg7bt wrote
Aber die wahre Frage ist, welches Layouts verwendets ihr .. oida?
YellowBreakfast t1_jeghz5q wrote
On my first read I was like "whats a Markoswitch".
Then I saw.
PickleRick200000 t1_jegi3gw wrote
Looks like the arrow is pointing to the sticker. How fitting lol.
Thisfoxhere t1_jegjrqw wrote
Ah, equvalent of a "keep left" sign. I see.
edit; Fascinating that I'm being downvoted for that comment. Don't like Aussies or something?
squareuss t1_jegkf0i wrote
serwas miteinonda!
JackSixxx t1_jeglbhd wrote
First time seeing an Enyaq? /s
Vx-Birdy-x t1_jeglfwt wrote
Is there a way to get one in the UK?
prestonsthoughts t1_jegm8d3 wrote
damn teal out of stock and no green option :( it says teal is limited edition so prob no chance it comes back in stock correct?
zombimuncha t1_jegmeio wrote
It's not a Focus, it's an Enyaq.
zante197 t1_jegr6w0 wrote
Ordered sticker for my car, wanna be recognized
PilotFlo OP t1_jegtoz9 wrote
Honestly I wonder that too everytime I drive past it 😅
PilotFlo OP t1_jegu83p wrote
Congrats on your new car! 🎉
PilotFlo OP t1_jeguiyv wrote
Honestly there are relatively many driving around Austria
PilotFlo OP t1_jegujug wrote
plztNeo t1_jegyw4l wrote
Order it from there? $1.20 shipping to the UK
trere t1_jegzt14 wrote
Am liabstn ortholinear, ansunsten ISO - oida
AutoModerator t1_jee2g8d wrote
ANY content that features products, services you sell, your prototypes in progress or items you were sponsored to post MUST use the Promotional flair, with disclosure of who you represent.
When posting your build, please provide a description of the build, preferably as a Top Level Comment or Reply to this Comment, with the following information:
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The Switches, Keycaps, and Other Accessories Featured
Any notable mods you performed
Other helpful information such as low profile, lesser known firmware, etc.
Example: Unobtanium Southpaw 1800 with DSA Salt with MorningCaps Artisan and Alps Rainbow Switches, modded with Sorbothan Foam on KMK
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