Submitted by KleinBrein t3_122l6eg in MechanicalKeyboards
felixforfun t1_jdqpl1p wrote
Try Germany.
Naiphe t1_jdqt2qx wrote
Probably has a large, gritty tactile bump.
pabloescobyte t1_jdqz1lf wrote
Looks like it hasn't been lubed for such a long time material built up around the stem...
Fastermaxx t1_jdqzlle wrote
The name on the traffic sign is „.nl“ so it’s Dutch.
mrSemantix t1_jdr10rk wrote
thesolitaire t1_jdr4nxi wrote
With a 2 ton actuation force.
felixforfun t1_jdr71er wrote
Good spot, I missed that. The Netherlands, it is!
kobart1101 t1_jdr786p wrote
That's concrete baby
quantythequant t1_jdr7duj wrote
Ah, yes... the NovelKeys oversized concrete. Actuation force... 69 tons?
skymothebobo t1_jdr7mft wrote
I like them, but they have a heavy throw.
RepresentativeKeebs t1_jdr7s8j wrote
This is gonna "thump" instead of "thock"
Chopchopok t1_jdr9jlx wrote
Be careful when this one bottoms out.
axelrider t1_jdr9uwm wrote
I’m not sure if I’d recommend that one. It’s bit too stiff.
marinesol t1_jdra4lu wrote
Those are old cherry MX whites. When they get too old the grease hardens and they use them as traffic barriers. Cherry replaced whites with the unlubed MX blues to save on shipping costs.
The-Bole t1_jdramm1 wrote
that is actually a durock stabilizer
MrFunnyMoustache t1_jdrb6jr wrote
This is how people used to type in the stone age...
jk_pens t1_jdrblw4 wrote
Wait til you see the cast iron keycap that goes with it
EntropicDays t1_jdrbvsb wrote
limited group buy. not available anymore. i have 90x of them, willing to sell 45$ per switch, you pay shipping
supalape t1_jdrchta wrote
Needs lubing
Linear4life t1_jdrdmzv wrote
Ah yes the cherry mx concrete my favorite switches, the true endgame
Linear4life t1_jdrdqoj wrote
Someone send this to glarses we need a full concrete keyboard
djdarkknight t1_jdredn8 wrote
Very tactile though.
cloverstack t1_jdrexz8 wrote
Try /r/Brutalism
mercury_millpond t1_jdrg1xs wrote
10KN actuation force
sogo00 t1_jdrgaz4 wrote
200mm travel
JohACNH t1_jdrgh6a wrote
thats what NK random switch people got
[deleted] t1_jdrgka5 wrote
inserts your mom joke
I_fking_Hate_Reddit t1_jdrim4u wrote
that's my neighbour joe
ridiculous_nonsense t1_jdrjxqa wrote
I got mine from a NK Mystery Pack
Supahvaporeon t1_jdrkjis wrote
Kailh x Novelkeys Box Creme
averycoolbean t1_jdrl6yj wrote
its just a cherry mx black
Dennisminjian t1_jdrnbaq wrote
That is rocksolid+
ProfessionalClean377 t1_jdrnj6j wrote
Very scatchy
fresh_yield t1_jdrp2lo wrote
Stone, 100,000g actuation
CaveManta t1_jdrpe2q wrote
We've all been there
CaveManta t1_jdrpi3g wrote
Kailh Box Silent Concrete
aberdisco t1_jdrpy1i wrote
If it doesn't take a fork truck to lift your keyboard, I don't wanna know.
TrulyChxse t1_jdrqcal wrote
Not so glorious concrete Yellow
TrulyChxse t1_jdrqe24 wrote
Very heavy actuation force I hear.
blueknight1222 t1_jdrrafq wrote
Available at your local DIY store.
G30METRYYY t1_jdru8g4 wrote
I think it's the Switcherland switch
[deleted] t1_jdrv6xg wrote
gfinch180 t1_jdrwjn0 wrote
Yeah it's a cherry mx brick
sziki19 t1_jdrx2fd wrote
be careful, it's a very heavy switch 🙂
avigin t1_jdrxjf4 wrote
I can’t imagine how much the keycaps cost for that size switch…
ConnectionGuy2022 t1_jdry7y6 wrote
Is that from archeological site? 😉 I can't believe the Neanderthals were visionaries! 😂. Or maybe someone just did time travel and showed them a mechanical keyboard.
Nathaniel___B t1_jdrzf35 wrote
Cherry MX Brown
techy_witch t1_jds3vst wrote
Given how rough and scratchy they feel, im going to guess they're a relative of cherry mx browns. Still better though, way more stable.
Mandalasan_612 t1_jds41mk wrote
I can hear the chonky thunks through the screen
BogdanAnime t1_jds8m1b wrote
Had an old board with these, really nice if you lube them up but tend to be a bit pricey, especially with all the lube needed for just one. Very preference though, you either love it or hate it.
imsamuel t1_jds9byl wrote
Glarses has gone too far this time
doctorcrimson t1_jds9lw6 wrote
You must not reassemble the titans board. This is your final warning.
twistymctwist t1_jdsbjwh wrote
May not be as hard to find as you would have thought but good luck lubing it.
NoCondition4856 t1_jdscgc5 wrote
Practically any unlubed cherry switch….
darknessblades t1_jdscl5w wrote
Sadly these switches become scratchy very quickly, as if you put a m^(3) of sand inside a normal switch.
PM_Nightly t1_jdsgvii wrote
Looks a little stiff, probably just needs some lube and attention.
justl00kingthrowaway t1_jdsj3s4 wrote
There's a store on Carpal ave near the Tunnel that sells them.
UpshawUnderhill t1_jdsk3ue wrote
First, you're going to want to upgrade to the 200000g springs...
floofyenthusiast t1_jdsm6ee wrote
I think a moss keycap would suit the switch
NeonGenisis5176 t1_jdsodfp wrote
But only once :p
bkrluffy t1_jdss4wl wrote
It is a linear switch. There is no line or movement to follow though. But a dot can be considered a line.
sizable_data t1_jdsvqno wrote
Would look great in a cement case
mrkvicka02 t1_jdswxva wrote
Somewhere in the Netherlands
AutoGeneratedSucks t1_jdsyxwy wrote
68.9 but close enough
FinJoTheGreat t1_jdszaw3 wrote
shrekker49 t1_jdszkyh wrote
Maaaan I want a keyboard I need a drill press to use!
Nexnsnake t1_jdszncd wrote
It's not thock. It's THOCC.
SleepingWhiteGiant t1_jdt4s0e wrote
Mx brown 1000bc concrete edition. Very rare indeed
Thereminz t1_jdt7abn wrote
nintendo switch, D-pad
koromagic t1_jdtais9 wrote
stemcheese buildup
[deleted] t1_jdtaiz0 wrote
Draken010 t1_jdtb9bq wrote
I have a couple of guesses, but none of them are concrete
Peacemkr45 t1_jdtbdza wrote
What do you mean help you find it? You took a damned picture of it. I mean if you can't even lift it, how are you going to install it in a keyboard?
SteeleDynamics t1_jdtc5oo wrote
Great in compression, not in tension
averyminya t1_jdtcjps wrote
Meh, I can't really recommend these. The stems are so short that you'd think the actuation is awesome, but your keycaps just end up playing everywhere.
mackiea t1_jdtey3l wrote
That's a healing zone. Go there when you have grievous sword wounds or mild cancer.
Resident-Librarian40 t1_jdth44s wrote
Better yet, a keycap for it!
FourStringL0B0 t1_jdtlhb1 wrote
Anyone have the force curve graph for this?
ohnjaynb t1_jdtmrgz wrote
Something about this just shouts Switzerland
jermhah t1_jdtmw2x wrote
Whats a swiss flag doing there
CarnageMunky t1_jdtrmi6 wrote
It’s right there
spirit_noodle t1_jdts9n9 wrote
When you find out let me know. I'll put one on my desk.
[deleted] t1_jdtuljr wrote
BovineLightning t1_jdtuq32 wrote
Try messaging @Georainbolt on insta.
[deleted] t1_jdturv6 wrote
totallyamateurartist t1_jdtwb2w wrote
Whatever it is it probably feels smoother than a cherry MY switch
MichellusObamus t1_jdu5rfr wrote
Concrete D pad :D
RedPanda888 t1_jdu6ay9 wrote
logoNM t1_jdud5o3 wrote
this would sound like a very tactile switch
Elektrik-Engineer t1_jduefm1 wrote
Can you be more concrete ?
hkexper t1_jduguea wrote
Swiss flag but it's just a concrete block on a road
tomometer t1_jduh5j8 wrote
concrete proof that it exists, any group buys going on?
DerpyMandarin t1_jdukc7n wrote
It is the HT Conkrete Beige
SyrusDrake t1_jdul2so wrote
Is that the guy who died of ligma?
UncleEnk t1_jduo3u9 wrote
Google en concrete ... fuck wrong subreddit
SavemebabyK t1_jduqze0 wrote
Can u ship this via DHL to me? Id like to give it a home.
iceeice3 t1_jduwbic wrote
Perhaps even a whomp
Its_pasta_time_69 t1_jdwv5uq wrote
Wow! thats a limited edition concrete recolor of the gateron Road Blockers.
saturnV1 t1_jdybwib wrote
Cherry BC Granite
[deleted] t1_jdz98su wrote
Khazerae2 t1_jdz9bg4 wrote
The amount of lube you gonna need on this bad boy
PrimaryWorking6318 t1_je20nj7 wrote
CharlieEThund t1_jdqop3n wrote
A Concrete Brown, very rare