Submitted by headed2shredded t3_126o41y in MechanicalKeyboards
jccpalmer t1_je9yn9u wrote
A little crowded for my taste, but I love how you color coordinated the controllers and keyboards. Very nice.
etanisaqt t1_je9yrlw wrote
whats the alice? base?
s0nnyc t1_je9yvr7 wrote
love it, has the cottage feeling connected with forest
Sihdhenidon t1_jea1yhm wrote
More interested in the rest of the room than the keebs tbh, that looks like an amazing space to be in
sushiyogurt t1_jea5ty5 wrote
Got pic of your whole setup? Wanna see how the tree branch n moss wall fit with everything
nxt54464 t1_jeaah51 wrote
Looks stunning!
unabletomeme t1_jeabpvh wrote
Looks great!
ner0417 t1_jeadq0q wrote
Melding machine and nature; love it. Reminds me of the Florans from Starbound. Space-faring, plant-people aliens.
headed2shredded OP t1_jeads95 wrote
AKKO ‘s Alice Pro: planet of the ape’s themed caps
headed2shredded OP t1_jeadylf wrote
Posted it, over in battle station
headed2shredded OP t1_jeae0t8 wrote
Ty! So very much!
headed2shredded OP t1_jeae1mi wrote
Thank you!!!!!
chocolateshartcicle t1_jeafn2q wrote
Is that real moss? I want a mossy wall
Poschta t1_jeafnov wrote
That's one slim setup you got there! Does that secondary screen work well for you? Seems like you're looking at it at an extreme angle!
That backdrop is super cool, I'd like something like that for myself ugh
maxgehpunkt t1_jeafxxb wrote
[Everyone liked that]
Dead-HC-Taco t1_jeahets wrote
So this begs the question: Playstation or xbox controller?
AverageOccidental t1_jeahey6 wrote
I like the APESHIFT
dumb_answers_only t1_jeahfeo wrote
Real moss?
dumb_answers_only t1_jeahjvh wrote
We both asked now, they have to answer!!!
ZacharyKou t1_jeahtvt wrote
can you tell me the specs of the third keeb?
MotorElevator9906 t1_jeaib6l wrote
I appreciate the art of this set up well done! Very outdoorsy!
Onsomeshid t1_jeaibva wrote
For how much i use my ps5 controller on my pc i should probably get a custom one made too lol.
MotorElevator9906 t1_jeaie7r wrote
how did you make the wood pc case?
headed2shredded OP t1_jeaippd wrote
Lol out of a 6 dollar bamboo shoe rack from goodwill and 2 dollar scrap plexiglass from lowes
derrhn t1_jeaiw3u wrote
Been looking at those Bee keycaps myself! Lovely collection you’ve got going on there!
diggee t1_jeajmfp wrote
of the 5 keyboards, at least 3 appear to have different profile keycaps, so let me ask, which profile is your favorite and why?
badwolf42 t1_jeakyvq wrote
I love everything about it, especially that Alice board ya got there and the branch lamp!
Annjul666 t1_jeal8t1 wrote
People who keep their keebs like that - how do you protect them from the dust?
moderatelypositive t1_jealulp wrote
Is this a set up for frogs?
Inigmatics t1_jeam59x wrote
I can't help but want to see what the rest of the room looks like.
Due-Chocolate-6666 t1_jeaocbp wrote
Post pictures of the entire setup please?! The moss wall looks amazing and I’d love to see more of it 😁
homesweetocean t1_jeapqb2 wrote
XDA HoneyMilk is unironically one of my favorite keycap sets, typing this on them now. Great taste
homesweetocean t1_jeapu0d wrote
MiniITXEconomy t1_jeaq02i wrote
I LOVE the DualShock4 but the Dual Sense... it's just too top heavy. Not difficult to overcome, but those haptic triggers definitely get in it's way.
askken12 t1_jeaqnh4 wrote
Lol wooden case? Cool setup
darthmeck t1_jear7mv wrote
The coordination is one of the coolest things I’ve seen, nice one.
Bacon-80 t1_jear9o7 wrote
I’m more interested in the lamp - is that a tree branch with a wire going through (?) it??? I love that & your moss wall!
Inevitable-Edge48 t1_jeard47 wrote
What's the third keyboard called and the yellow one?
Temanyl t1_jeas2uw wrote
I saw this picture and the question why someone would need this many different controllers popped into my head. Then I saw my wall of 10 keyboards and felt really stupid.
Same-Lawfulness-1094 t1_jeaswfq wrote
Nice. Same here. I spend way too much money at Ikea lmao
catplaps t1_jeat7yo wrote
it's a nice stick.
headed2shredded OP t1_jeavccl wrote
I’m sorry for the late response. Naw it’s just faux moss from micheals on some card stock. The wood around it is a bed frame my neighbors were throwing it out. Cost about 15 bucks all together
headed2shredded OP t1_jeavpw1 wrote
Lol yea! Routes out the back and bought the lamp from the dollar store. Weirdly enough the light bulb is one of the most expensive things in my setup
headed2shredded OP t1_jeavrgm wrote
musman t1_jeaxeyq wrote
what's the profile on the alice layout keycaps?
RUPacific t1_jeaxxf5 wrote
Your tree branch lamp is awesome! Definitely completes the sort of natural, calming feel to the whole room. I want to build one now...
170505170505 t1_jeayrv8 wrote
Wooden PC jajajajajaja
tyingnoose t1_jeaz3il wrote
Gaming branch
Gaming branch
cormor-ant t1_jeazs1f wrote
I’d love to know this as well.
Sallyn0 t1_jeb1bmy wrote
That PC is fucking beautiful
cormor-ant t1_jeb2as6 wrote
What’s the 980, the last one on the keyboard wall? First thought it was the translucent blue TM980 with a custom blocker above the numpad, but yours looks more like a teal color. Could just be the lighting.
phero1190 t1_jeb2x4l wrote
You dust them
I_do_have_covid t1_jeb48hk wrote
What keycaps set is used on the keyboard at the bottom?
shaggys6skin t1_jeb4ctk wrote
The matching controllers!! Damn that looks good
maxgehpunkt t1_jeb512z wrote
Because you said "Not for everyone" but I think it's amazing and that nobody isn't gonna like it.
headed2shredded OP t1_jeb6frw wrote
It’s just a CIY65. With some cement bring up the weight and plastic sound and black automobile paint to make it look a little higher end the plate is painted copper.
Only normal mod is like a half burger. So the only the back row of screws and they are on o rings. So it can flex in the front of the board.
headed2shredded OP t1_jeb6hqu wrote
That’s a get nice thing to say! Thanks!
headed2shredded OP t1_jeb6no6 wrote
I just took a front shell from eBay, and added the extreme rate buttons to the back
headed2shredded OP t1_jeb6wvj wrote
Weirdly enough, it’s a prebuilt, from BOYI. It was my first I got for my BDAY from my mom. Let me see if I can find it.
LucAltaiR t1_jeb75yh wrote
Looks very good man congrats. Could I ask you what keyboard is the 100% in the bottom?
headed2shredded OP t1_jeb75zd wrote
BOYI WK68 Hot Swappable RGB Mechanical Keyboard,Wireless Bluetooth 5.0/2.4G/Wired Type-C Tri-Mode PBT Sublimation Keycaps 65% Gaming Keyboard(Gateron Yellow Switch, Honey Milk XDA Keycaps)
There is no reason this board is this good stock and with a little lube for the milky yellows it’s still my favorite board!
headed2shredded OP t1_jeb799q wrote
Unfortunately it’s cherry! I want to be weird but they feel like home.
headed2shredded OP t1_jeb7deu wrote
Lol well, thanks made it me self.
headed2shredded OP t1_jeb7gtn wrote
Idk what the implication is but overall my answer is yes. I’m just surprised someone noticed.
headed2shredded OP t1_jeb7lvv wrote
Bamboo shoe rack from goodwill.
headed2shredded OP t1_jeb7xdw wrote
It’s just a CIY65. With some cement bring up the weight and plastic sound and black automobile paint to make it look a little higher end the plate is painted copper.
Only normal mod is like a half burger. So the only the back row of screws and they are on o rings. So it can flex in the front of the board.
BOYI WK68 Hot Swappable RGB Mechanical Keyboard,Wireless Bluetooth 5.0/2.4G/Wired Type-C Tri-Mode PBT Sublimation Keycaps 65% Gaming Keyboard(Gateron Yellow Switch, Honey Milk XDA Keycaps)
Just painted the top housing.
headed2shredded OP t1_jeb80e8 wrote
Lmfao! My favorite response! Thank you soooooo much!
Due-Chocolate-6666 t1_jebcddp wrote
Tysm for the link!!!
NepuShiro t1_jebd1hy wrote
What's your thoughts on the last keyboard? (YUNZII IF98?)
I've been thinking of getting one, honestly not completely sure how it feels or sounds from the little to none videos on it.
And would you happen to have any other suggestions that are around that price point?
headed2shredded OP t1_jebd6iu wrote
Naw its not bad. Actually great. I wanted to do the more with less to make it a challenge and it’s just there for extra Random info, I barely use it.
headed2shredded OP t1_jebdee1 wrote
Ohhhhhh I have no one clue how I didn’t put that together. Lmfao embarrassing
-ShutterPunk- t1_jebdehp wrote
Are those soda cap keys? How are they for a budget set?
-ShutterPunk- t1_jebdj3i wrote
The keebs yes. Controllers? Not for me.
headed2shredded OP t1_jebdkmu wrote
Fuck! I love the speed of PlayStation, because I play destiny and it’s alot of butting to push in secession, buttttt I love my victrix gambit
headed2shredded OP t1_jebdz1g wrote
Idk why I love this so much, because I weirdly don’t use them… so they could be and I just haven’t noticed
headed2shredded OP t1_jebfaqa wrote
Awe thanks that’s super nice, I appreciate ya.
headed2shredded OP t1_jebg0q0 wrote
Naw. Nothing that cool. It’s the Click Labs’ CL98. But it is a custom badge. “Hammered” spray paint, you can buy anywhere has a cool reaction when you spray one color and then spray another right on top! I love it!
[deleted] t1_jebgcdq wrote
headed2shredded OP t1_jebgeql wrote
I’m glad people like the concept! I didn’t think it would go over that well.
headed2shredded OP t1_jebgiup wrote
It’s the Click labs’ CL98
Neireau t1_jebgm0r wrote
I love my Victrix BFG (PS5 tho), that diamond shaped d-pad is surprisingly comfortable and accurate.
What kind of customisation does the app provide? Unless recently updated it doesn’t support my controller yet.
screenhunter372 t1_jebhutc wrote
I love how the controllers match the keycap sets. I wish I could stick to those thematics the way you do, all of my peripherals either clash with each other, or are just pure white
MisterMegatron t1_jebjij1 wrote
I like it
headed2shredded OP t1_jebk28h wrote
headed2shredded OP t1_jebkk0v wrote
Respect! I’m just trying to see if the grass is as green on both sides
headed2shredded OP t1_jebkn3k wrote
Naw just some faux moss from micheals
headed2shredded OP t1_jebktvn wrote
Say less. I posted it over on battle stations and it’s on a comment up top
headed2shredded OP t1_jebl9c8 wrote
I wish I could help! But mine is the Click Labs’ CL98 and it’s beautiful, but it’s nothing special. But I love the feel to the space of the keys.
Sunkube t1_jeblfos wrote
I love every part of this! I’ll even let the ps controllers slide. Well job.
headed2shredded OP t1_jebljof wrote
On the wood board! I love them! Well idk if it’s the unique wood sound or the Akko POM brown switches, but it’s easily my best sounding board!
headed2shredded OP t1_jebluqd wrote
Nothing worth while IMO. This is my second one and I didn’t use the app at all with my first one I just over locked them both times. I honestly couldn’t tell the difference. it performed amazing w/o the app
Inigmatics t1_jeblwb3 wrote
Oh right on, I'll go check that out.
headed2shredded OP t1_jebm0pb wrote
POPCO markers! If you do custom anything send them my way! I would love to see it!
headed2shredded OP t1_jebmmo1 wrote
Lmfaoooo! If it helps I main my Xbox victrix controller
headed2shredded OP t1_jebn232 wrote
JTManual t1_jebnd6w wrote
Took it to heart when they kept saying to touch grass did ya
headed2shredded OP t1_jebnxt3 wrote
Lmbo! Best comment yet!
extreme303 t1_jebo2f2 wrote
You can get real preserved moss pretty easy and make a wall piece with it.
[deleted] t1_jebo8yd wrote
mr_elsewhere_ t1_jebofrt wrote
Now all you have to do is play some games with them
screenhunter372 t1_jeboomd wrote
Just some shell swaps here and there. I'd love to get into more custom drawing and stuff, but I don't have the skills (yet). Mind sharing a link to those markers? I tried to search for them but couldn't find anything.
AltLawyer t1_jebp0w2 wrote
Rainforest Cafe vibes 🤣
screenhunter372 t1_jebp5ju wrote
Ah okay posca, not popco. I'll get some once this month passes (I'm at risk of getting laid off so just trying not to buy anything I don't need), and get back to you!
headed2shredded OP t1_jebp8w8 wrote
Defiantly a whole typo lmfao! My bad!
headed2shredded OP t1_jebpaor wrote
Yes! You get it for sure
headed2shredded OP t1_jebpdff wrote
Ok, that’s not everrrrr going to happen….
Neireau t1_jebpugm wrote
Fair enough, that’s my experience as well! I never encountered them in the wild tho so figured I’d ask.
Cheers for the reply tho, I appreciate it; also really like that reindeer moss (?) you’ve got going on there by the way.
ModmobsOnReddit t1_jebqu8c wrote
What are the keycaps for the top keyboard? Also very nice setup!
headed2shredded OP t1_jebrjym wrote
It’s a mix bag: Black Green Keycaps Set 253 Keys Cherry Profile Doubleshot Custom Wave Keycaps for Cherry MX 60% 65% 70% 75% 95% Mechanical Keyboards
Side-Printed Thick PBT OEM Profile 108 ANSI Keycaps for MX Switches Mechanical Keyboard (Only Keycap) (Black)
TabularConferta t1_jebrr1s wrote
...can I see the rest of your work station please, if that's okay. Looks like an interesting build.
Nvm saw the post. That's a cool use of space
headed2shredded OP t1_jebryww wrote
It’s not that great just a little nook. But I posted it over in battlestation:
TabularConferta t1_jebs3p8 wrote
Are those monitors on the right?
headed2shredded OP t1_jebsbon wrote
Yea, my ACER 25inch 165 hz. The other is a 12 dollar dell from the goodwill electronic store.
TabularConferta t1_jebsqwm wrote
Nice. I've got an odd shaped nook (sloped ceiling) so it's nice to see how people do theirs. How did you do the backing and the lamp, if you don't mind.
headed2shredded OP t1_jebtrs7 wrote
Of course. It’s just an old bed frame a neighbor threw out. With card stock behind it and faux moss from micheals
The lamp was a dead branch I sealed it with some polyurethane and routed out the back and put the cord through it and used hot glue to hold it in place. The actual fixture is from the dollar store I took off the decorative pieces and painted it
TabularConferta t1_jebtwc4 wrote
Love it great job
lilbigwill204 t1_jebtz2z wrote
Man I just wish it had ISO keys. Looks so good
84904809245 t1_jebveyb wrote
What came first, controller or keyboard?
end1essecho t1_jebvjcu wrote
Check the comment thread. Pretty sure op meant to reply to you
Poschta t1_jebw2tr wrote
Thanks for the heads up, mate!
dinoaids t1_jebwayu wrote
Cool moss wall 👍
ningunombrexacto t1_jebz3tt wrote
i really like that blue keyboard, where did you got it?
headed2shredded OP t1_jebzqbq wrote
Clicklabs CL98. But I dont think they make them anymore
zrevyx t1_jec6fpb wrote
Very nice!
Its_pasta_time_69 t1_jec7usl wrote
More interested in the jungle growing to the right
mobeen1497 t1_jec95lg wrote
I am sorry but is that a wooden case with the graphics card outside of the case?!
Phlebotanist t1_jecapd1 wrote
Can I ask how you routed the cable? It seems like hollowing the angled branch would be hard. A long drill bit?
headed2shredded OP t1_jecapyp wrote
headed2shredded OP t1_jecb33t wrote
Reply hand router. Seems scary in retrospect but I remember it not being as hard as one would think. And chiseled the angled areas
Digital_switch_blade t1_jecbpru wrote
It's makes sense just like mounting a gun
mobeen1497 t1_jecclem wrote
How does that work with the motherboard?
moderatelypositive t1_jecdwmx wrote
It looks cozy
Dude_with_the_skis t1_jechsx6 wrote
Yo I gotta ask, did you build your PC case yourself? It looks like wood and tempered glass (looks awesome dude). If you did build it yourself, how did you figure out where to place the mounting screws for the motherboard?
Also is that a water-cooled system inside?
Either way looks great!
headed2shredded OP t1_jecja5r wrote
Ohhhhh I got ya! Pcie extension cable from Amazon
headed2shredded OP t1_jecjied wrote
Naw I have a different build for when I get a custom Loop. But I did build it and I just placed the mother board down and just something thin and sharp to poke a whole where the stand offs needed to be
mobeen1497 t1_jeckpyd wrote
Oh, I never knew you could do that. Thank you for the information.
headed2shredded OP t1_jecm57c wrote
I got you! No bigs but when I was researching you have to make sure it’s rated correctly or something like that. But I have Pcie 3…. So that what extension I got
headed2shredded OP t1_jecmcm4 wrote
lol oops
homegrowntwinkie t1_jecnnp9 wrote
Bro. This is fucking endgame level setup aesthetically speaking. Did you BUILD that case yourself?? Or did you find it somewhere or what? I must know. I also see your GPU is mounted outside, and what is the big ass fan blade thing inside?
headed2shredded OP t1_jecqizj wrote
Aye! Thanks my dude!
I did, but I made it out of a bamboo shoe rack from goodwill and some scrap plexiglass.
The gpu is on a long PCIe extender.
And the fan is cooler master’s G100m low profile fan. Just painted it a bit to match the style.
DerivativeOFFS t1_jecr9zl wrote
I see you respect wood. Very nice.
otacon7000 t1_jecxznb wrote
I'd like to learn more about the PC case. DIY? Bought?
ZacharyKou t1_jed2bzb wrote
thanks bro also nice setup. i wish to build my own keyboard when i get a job in the future
ZacharyKou t1_jed2jjl wrote
oh and what is the keycaps called? i know its xda profile because its rounded but whats it called?
TheRaisinWhy t1_jed3186 wrote
That's clean, what controller do you like best? Recently purchased the Xbox Elite 2 after having used the 360 black wired controller forever and it feels like I get using a controller of mouse and keyboard sometimes
headed2shredded OP t1_jed6y0q wrote
Heck yea man… the BOYI 65 is soooooo good
LightChargerGreen t1_jed76ne wrote
That (blue/green?) keyboard on the bottom looks lonely.
homegrowntwinkie t1_jed7g26 wrote
Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Hows the thermals in the case? I'm assuming not too great, but if you did it yourself I could totally be wrong.
[deleted] t1_jed7s4q wrote
[deleted] t1_jed84vq wrote
headed2shredded OP t1_jed87wp wrote
I know right I wasn’t to get a super small controller to go with it!!!!!
headed2shredded OP t1_jed8i8a wrote
My favorite is the Victrix Gambit! I have an elite 2 as well, but it can’t be over locked so it’s with my Xbox. To me it doesn’t have as many bells and whistles and buttons not paddles…. But while the elite feels better in the hand the gambit out performs it…. To me
headed2shredded OP t1_jed8ppm wrote
Wait why would the thermals be bad?
homegrowntwinkie t1_jed9whg wrote
Well because wood is known to not be too great at heat dispersion/dissipation, but certain metals usually are. I also didn't notice where air vents might be(but again that might just be I haven't seen them yet) But if you say it runs like a dream, I believe you. I love the look of this setup and have been wanting a wooden case for a looong time now. Just gotta find one that has good thermals.
spirit_noodle t1_jeda1r8 wrote
Seems like it is for everyone 😍
Sallyn0 t1_jeda6hj wrote
Aww you’re welcome!
headed2shredded OP t1_jeda7fp wrote
I was shocked and excited… I’ll take it!
headed2shredded OP t1_jedaomx wrote
Yea, I got you there is no wood touch any component. It’s just an open air case, so there isn’t really any over heating issues. The only thing enclosed is the PSU. You can kind of see the grate above it. The biggest issue is dust because their are no filters. Lol so in a couple weeks if I don’t can air it we will have some super terrible issues
headed2shredded OP t1_jedaqr8 wrote
What do you think of getting one later cut and just do an open air type thing too?
Tahsin_Zubayr t1_jedc68m wrote
fucking gass bro
wootywootP t1_jedogmd wrote
Isn't it difficult to type on those keyboards standing up and in that angle Keepo
TECHNICKER_Cz3 t1_jedp81q wrote
lovely sffpc!
Imhidingfromu t1_jedw714 wrote
Is that a custom wooden pc case?
not-a-nerd-lol t1_jedwuaa wrote
nice display. looks really clean :) i also like the overall theme of the wall and room
Curious-Source-9368 t1_jedxp78 wrote
Are you satisfied with the AKKO Alice pro base ? I’m torn between that and the keychron
Lucky-Mongoose-5217 t1_jedxvmw wrote
Oh wow what a room setup
SXLightning t1_jedyqe6 wrote
I really hope you are putting something over the hooks because alu on alu is how you scratch your board. I put heat shrink on my
Yoosulis t1_jedzp3l wrote
My mind is blown It’s a nature dome with keyboard and controllers I love it Is the pc has wooden case?! There’s also a wooden keyboard omg The low lightbulb is the cherry at the top
11/10 🤯
BOBTheOrigin t1_jee3yt6 wrote
One of those hybrid players... Buah... Blasphemy!
This is sarcastic
headed2shredded OP t1_jee9ge2 wrote
I would have known. Mean people don’t use the word blasphemy realistically
headed2shredded OP t1_jee9qum wrote
Lmbo! Lol me trying to lean over the file cabinet and pc and typing looking over my right shoulder would be too three easiest thing I will do today, for sure light work.
headed2shredded OP t1_jee9u0h wrote
Yea,made it me self
headed2shredded OP t1_jee9xwh wrote
Hell yea! Thanks I appreciate that.
headed2shredded OP t1_jeea57t wrote
Never used a Keychron… I would still go with AKKO, Cool little badge on the back, semi transparent, lol graphic tape mode included. Crazy flex with or w/o the provided foams… it’s a good deal IMO
headed2shredded OP t1_jeea812 wrote
Thanks i definitely like it!
headed2shredded OP t1_jeeafo3 wrote
I got you! They are coated w/Plasti-Dip and painted with green spray paint to match the aesthetic
headed2shredded OP t1_jeeanfr wrote
11/10 thanks it took a while to get things the way was hoping they would turn out. I’m glad you liked it
Inevitable-Edge48 t1_jeee0dv wrote
Thx for the detailed response mate ✌️
Crunchykandi t1_jeei1dq wrote
What’s that spiral thing on the dark turquoise keeb?
faint_windfall39 t1_jeejoid wrote
That's pretty awesome, just wow dude!
homegrowntwinkie t1_jef0phe wrote
OH I saw the reflection of the keyboard on the front of the case, and assumed there was plexiglass covering the side of the internals you can see and was like "hm. This seems like there might not be a good amount of airflow." But now i see that panel is actually open and is just me assuming things!
Also, I'm unsure what you mean by getting one later cut?
headed2shredded OP t1_jef1zdi wrote
Oh I mean like that you can get the right one laser cut or CNC’d to just fit together like a puzzle and it can look However you want, ya know .
Dude_with_the_skis t1_jef92cv wrote
Nice, looks sweet dude
thesultan4 t1_jefg37t wrote
That is beautiful!!!!
headed2shredded OP t1_jefhqjj wrote
Thank you mate!
Savings-Minimum6454 t1_jefn6q9 wrote
Dang! Where did you get your cpu frame? That looks awesome
SirJamesEdwardLong t1_jeft8zr wrote
No that’s awesome, I love the cozy vibe
headed2shredded OP t1_jegb52z wrote
Pretty sure that just a weird effect from the light bulb on the camera
headed2shredded OP t1_jegbesw wrote
I want to answer but I’m just a smidge confused, what did you mean by CPU frame
headed2shredded OP t1_jegbhaf wrote
That’s super nice! Thank you
Borkso t1_jegp9u4 wrote
Bro, I love that case
headed2shredded OP t1_jegphrt wrote
Thanks man! I really really appreciate it
AutoModerator t1_je9weyq wrote
ANY content that features products, services you sell, your prototypes in progress or items you were sponsored to post MUST use the Promotional flair, with disclosure of who you represent.
When posting your build, please provide a description of the build, preferably as a Top Level Comment or Reply to this Comment, with the following information:
Your keyboard featured and its layout
The Switches, Keycaps, and Other Accessories Featured
Any notable mods you performed
Other helpful information such as low profile, lesser known firmware, etc.
Example: Unobtanium Southpaw 1800 with DSA Salt with MorningCaps Artisan and Alps Rainbow Switches, modded with Sorbothan Foam on KMK
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