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CorrodedRose t1_it5s037 wrote

The ik75 seems to be a gasket mounted board. If that's the case, your board will never be as loud as theirs because a gasket mount is designed to make the sound less harsh as it doesn't travel as effectively throughout the case of the board.


PieEnvironmental6437 t1_it5s2uz wrote

If you use a deskmat, remove it. I’ve found the desk is the biggest factor in how loud a keyboard is


hansnicolaim t1_it67cyp wrote

It's the same concept as the tape mod a lot of people are doing, the deskpad does the same thing except It's outside the keyboard. Removing it will make the sound resonate and echo off the desk.


philsaid t1_it6014s wrote

Buy a mic rig & line the bottom of it with the mic & small speakers.


beebo_bebop t1_it63zc2 wrote

fr4 sandwich is pretty loud imo