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VAWLTGHOST OP t1_iu2jbjm wrote

• Owlab Spring • Owl Stabs • Everglide Aqua Kings • GMK Dots


Ricey20 t1_iu2jja0 wrote

You went big for first Alice. The spring is an awesome board.


VAWLTGHOST OP t1_iu2jrpq wrote

I’ve only had minimal opportunities to type on it so far but what little I’ve been able to do has been great. I’m eager to drive on it some more.


CableMod t1_iu2p477 wrote

Goes Alice......and are a brave man my friend!


Xhijeon t1_iu2u6hf wrote

I found my transition into Alice very seemless, didn't take me long to be productive on it


VAWLTGHOST OP t1_iu2ue6z wrote

That’s awesome. Aside from the unique challenges of typing on the Dots that I’ll have to overcome, so far I think the only challenge unique to the Alice layout itself that I’ll have to be extra mindful of is the right shift key. That’s the one I’m used to using but it’s smaller than the left shift key so it’s a bit tricky.


mediumrare_chicken t1_iu4gkmg wrote

I found there was 0 learning curve with alice like I thought there was going to be. Which was a very nice surprise.

edit: (other than learning how to keep all the bitches off me at work)


dLENS64 t1_iu4p3ig wrote

All I use for work is Alice layout and I can never go back


m0ndae t1_iufxqpo wrote

oh what i would do for an Owlab Spring


VAWLTGHOST OP t1_iug0tbf wrote

I’m happy to report that it’s really as awesome as so many of the reviews say (at least it is to me 🤷🏻‍♂️). It exceeded my expectations.