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PackYourJammies t1_iy37xpv wrote

Other than Kailh Box switches and other clickbar switches like the Chosfox White Owl ( I think is the name?), the only other MX-style clickies anyone will recommend will be the Zeal Clickiez. There are also some less widely available switches such as the Gazzew Phoenix Clicks which I bring up based on the Gazzew name, but I have no experience with them and haven’t seen a built version sold anywhere except through Kirball

Other than these, most widely available MX-style switches are click jacket switches (e.g. Cherry/Gateron Blues), which aren’t worth paying for (honestly, they aren’t even worth it free in my opinion)


vilagefool t1_iy3bn5i wrote

I have boards with Aristotle and Phoenix stems. The Phoenix stems are based on the Aristotles (Aristotle stems are increasingly hard to find). I find both more enjoyable than Kailh Jades/Navies, blues, green, really any other clicky.
I got the Phoenix stems from Gazzew directly, don't know if he's still selling to individuals. Since they're low batch, there is a premium you'll pay.


Oh_My-Glob t1_iy4i0qx wrote

TKC just released their Blackberry switches which are an evolution of the Phoenix