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Wishbone51 t1_j1znlas wrote

ISO.. That is weird!


Nice to see her showing interest.


Jordak_keebs t1_j1zxqn6 wrote

Your great-grandma is only 87?

Man I feel old. My last living grandparent is 99.


fenixthecorgi t1_j20ap6u wrote

Those fingers touched mechanical typewriters and you just know it, she would’ve loved to have one of these back then


z4nni t1_j20p19p wrote

Seems like a cool lady.


thibounet OP t1_j20plck wrote

She is ! During dinner she talked on how she followed around my great grandpa during WW2 (he was in the FFL) to make sure he wouldn’t do stupid stuff.


Yoosulis t1_j20wjme wrote

I can’t blame her

You machine is magnificent! Please, Share specs! I can’t help myself when there’s a good iso enter

Is that purple on black?!


garrettdx88 t1_j2112w5 wrote

Your great grandma looks like she gives great hugs


Rob27shred t1_j21b60w wrote

So you know you have to build her one now right? Jk, LOL! Seriously though pretty awesome she's showing interest in your hobby. My family thinks I'm off my rocker with custom keyboards being one of my fav hobbies.


OwlDust t1_j21d8qq wrote

We’re you able to show her the switches beneath, or was she more interested in the feel of it? :)


squickley t1_j21zgt9 wrote

If three generations in a row have their first kid by 25, then someone's a great grandparent by 75. Could be there at 60 if everyone has kids at 20, which is earlier than average, but hardly crazy.


Johnny_Lawless_Esq t1_j227xad wrote

Your great grandma may have been a better and faster typer than any of us ever will be. 87 is not crazy old, and she's in the right age range to have worked as a typist when mechanical typewriters were being replaced with electrical ones.

They had to be super accurate back then, because there was no real backspace ability.


thibounet OP t1_j23mqua wrote

Well she asked me why the keys were not in alphabetical order, she didn’t know because she never typed on a typing machine before… But she told me tales of some of her friends who could write blindfolded entire pages without faults.


thibounet OP t1_j23mwac wrote

Well it’s the same here but we respect each other hobbies, my dad has his motorised model plane and my mom spends way more than me on her horse so it works out. Also I spend my money not theirs so it helps a lot x)


paradoxally t1_j23pdbc wrote

> But she told me tales of some of her friends who could write blindfolded entire pages without faults.

Touch typing is a lost art, sadly.

Do any schools even teach that anymore?


crefas t1_j23zv6l wrote

Being a gamer, I picked up touch typing as soon as I got my first PC and it seems like the natural way to type. Discovered the stare-at-the-keyboard way of typing only recently when I saw one of my non-computer-savvy friends type. Glorious 15 WPM


General_Luna t1_j245kj5 wrote

I can see here she's like saying "When I was ur age..." Bubble. 😅😂😅😂


praenoto t1_j245rmr wrote

my touch typing as a “gamer” was characterized by my left hand having best access to the keyboard (being on the keys already) and centered over WASD rather than ESDF. so I typed as much as I could reach with my left hand and used a few fingers from my right hand sparingly.

taught myself how to properly touch type a few years ago though and I very much prefer it. except it took an otholinear keyboard to get the zxc cluster down.


AverageOccidental t1_j247xep wrote

I have the same age difference with my parents, but somehow my great grand mother managed to survive until I was around 11 when she slipped off the toilet and broke her hip.

Man I didn’t realize it then how cool it was to be able to talk to my great grandma


Suspicious_Student_6 t1_j256ksi wrote

My first custom board was alpacas, I have since lubed them and moved them to a 40% board which freed up enough alpacas to build a second small form factor board with alpacas. I am putting oil kings in a larger board soon, and can't wait to try them out but I really love the light actuation of the alpacas. Might have to spring swap the oil kings, we'll see how she goes


Slapintosh t1_j2efca2 wrote

"Weird typing machine" because it's an English ISO? :P