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concentus7 t1_j58ve5u wrote

Nice to see one of these, glad people actually received this board.


cschulze1977 OP t1_j58xflb wrote

Yeah I'd given up on the GB honestly, was a nice surprise receiving the tracking email at the start of 2021.


concentus7 t1_j58xxbu wrote

Just got an OG60 from KBDFans, which is kind of the same board design, and I love it. So comfy.


cschulze1977 OP t1_j58y8hx wrote

I've seen those, did you need to do any mods to get the sound right? I had to do a few to get rid of the hollowness.


concentus7 t1_j58ynke wrote

Actually no, not really. The case is so damn solid and heavy that it pretty much sounds and feels great as-is. I did add the included case foam, which is just some thin poron for the back of the PCB, but that's it. One of my favorite sounding boards to date.


cschulze1977 OP t1_j58zbgp wrote

Cool cool. Just looked at some pics of the OG60, the large bevel at the top of the case looks solid, not so on the G60 Retro, Kbdfans have improved the design.


tanega t1_j620hxl wrote

What?! You got yours in 2021? I received mine in December 2019. I wonder what happen during a while year so you could get yours.


cschulze1977 OP t1_j621dvj wrote

Yeah I think GB's through ALF x Scott went bad during those times. Some people got there stuff on time, others not so lucky.